Pattern Blocks
Comparing Fractions

Use pattern blocks to show 4/5ths in three different ways (use different wholes)

Various answers 

Ex. Four hexagons to 5 trapezoids, Two rhombi, etc. 


Using reasoning, tell which fraction is greater: 

4/9 or 4/5 

State the targeted strategy

4/5 is greater (Common numerator)


Solve using a picture:

Nick receives his paycheck for the month. He spends 1/5 of it on food. He then spends 2/4 of what remains on his house payment. He spends 1/2 of what is then left for his other bills. Finally, he spends 2/3 of the remaining money on entertainment. This activity leaves him with $25, which he puts into savings. What was his original take-home pay?



Using two circles as the whole, show 3/2

Three circles (each are 1/2)


Using reasoning, tell which fraction is greater: 

2/6 or 7/12

State the targeted strategy

7/12 (common denominator) 


Macie spends 2/6 of her take-home pay on her mortgage and property taxes. Out of the remaining money she spends 1/4 on food and 4/8 on clothes. From the money left over after these expenses, she puts 1/2 into savings. What fractional part of her take-home pay does Macie have left?

1/12 of her take-home pay


Using three hexagons as the whole, show 7/9ths

Two hexagons and 1 blue rhombus.


Using reasoning, tell which fraction is greater: 

7/8 or 14/15

State targeted strategy

14/15 (same # of missing pieces)


Some people got on a bus. At the first stop, 2/4 of the people got off and 3/4 of the original number got on. At the second stop, 1/2 of the people got off and no one else got on. At the last stop, 3/5 of the people got off, leaving 20 people on the bus. How many people were on the bus before the bus reached the first stop?

80 people


If one hexagon, one trapezoid, and one triangle are the whole:

a. find 3/10ths 

b. Find 1 7/10ths

a. 1 trapezoid

b. 2 hexagons, 1 trapezoid, and 2 triangles 


Using reasoning, tell which fraction is greater: 

4/7 or 5/6 

State the targeted strategy 

5/6 (greater number of larger pieces)


Lucy has 1 blue rhombus and two red trapezoids. This is four-fifths of the

amount that Charlie Brown has. What pattern blocks could Charlie Brown have?

Two blue rhombi and two red trapezoids
