What is the definition of Gerontological nursing?
A specialty practice focusing on the unique needs of older adults.
Are there more older people in the world or less?
What is gerotranscendence?
Individual becomes very spiritual and one with the universe.
What is the definition of transitional care?
focuses on transitions or movements from
one level of care to another for the elderly and chronically ill.
What is the most diverse generation in recent history?
The Millennial generation
What are some roles of the Gero nurse?
Direct-care provider
What is the fastest growing segment of the population?
What is "stages of personality" and its last stage?
Erik Eriksons theory of development. Integrity vs despair.
What does Medicare D primarily provide?
Drug prescriptions
What is the ABCDE mnemonic
Attitudes of patients
Decision-making style
What are some important attitudes to think about when handling the older population?
Examine your own thoughts, values and feelings about growing older and taking care of older adults.
Which minority group is growing the fastest?
Hispanic population
what is the difference between Stochastic and nonstochastic theory?
Stochastic - based on random events that causes cellular damage.
nonstochastic - genetically programmed events that cause cellular damage.
What is Medicare C?
Combines both A/B and adds vision, dental and hearing.
The ability to interact with people of different cultures in a respectful and effective way.
Who handles the standards of nursing practice?
American Nurses Association
Which minority is less likely to live in nursing homes and have a high life expectancy?
Asian Americans
What is theory of thriving?
A failure to thrive results in disturbance between individual and environment
What is Medicaid?
It assists individuals that have low-income as well as vulnerable groups like kids.
Does spirituality encompass religion?
What is the definition of Ageism?
Discrimination on the grounds of a person's age.
How many years do incarcerated individuals age compared to regular people.
Age 10 years older
What is the difference in telomerase and telomere?
telomerase - enzyme that is considered the "fountain of youth"
telomere - a protective protein.
What is the affordable care act?
Makes health insurance more affordable and available to more people
What do European Americans primarily use in their culture and spirituality?