Pattern Blocks
Fraction Word Problems

2 triangles= 1 whole unit 

2 trapezoids =

2 hexagons =

2 rhombi =

2 trapezoids = 3

2 hexagons = 6

2 rhombi = 2


There are 3 red balloons, 2 yellow balloons, and 4 blue balloons. If the unit is 6 balloons, determine the fraction that represents red balloons. 

0/6, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6


Nick receives his paycheck for the month. He spends 3/8 of it on food. He then spends 2/5 of what remains on his house payment. He spends 1/3 of what is then left for his other bills. This leaves him with $200. What was his original take-home pay?



True or false:

Partition and unit fraction are synonymous 



Charlie Brown takes 2/3 of the pattern blocks that Lucy has and gets 1 hexagon and 2 rhombi. What pattern blocks might Lucy have had before Charlie took any away? 

Three trapezoids and three rhombi or 15 triangles


There are 9 baby ducks.

Identify the unit and define the partition If the set of 9 baby ducks represents 1 4/5

1 whole unit = 5 baby ducks 

Partition= 1/5 or one baby duck 


Macie is planting a garden. 3/7 of the garden is lettuce, and 1/2 of the remaining space will be green beans. After that, 1/4 of the space that is left will be sweet corn, and the rest will be tomatoes. What fraction of the garden will be lettuce? Green beans? Sweet corn? Tomatoes? 

Lettuce= 6/14

Green Beans= 4/14

Sweet Corn= 1/14

Tomatoes= 3/14


Define the unit and partition if a set of 6 ducks represents 4/13

Not possible 


If one rhombus, 1 trapezoid, and one triangle are 3/2, what is one whole unit? 

4 triangles or 2 rhombi


Given the unit—a set of pattern blocks with 1 hexagon, 1 rhombus, 1 trapezoid, and 1 triangle—using a discrete model, draw a picture that represents 2/4. Describe the unit and partition

Unit: 4/4 or the set of blocks given 

Partition: 1 shape

2/4= Two shapes (e.g., 1 hexagon and 1 rhombus)


A class recently took a test. 1/5 of the students in the class earned an A on the test. Of those who didn't earn an A, 2/4 received a B. 2/3 of the remaining got a C on the test. The remaining students received Ds. If 4 students received Ds, then what fraction of the class received each letter grade on the test?

As= 6

Bs= 12

Cs= 8

Ds= 4


Last Halloween, Amy went trick-or-treating on her street. She noticed that about 2/5 of the houses on her street did not have their lights on for trick-or-treaters. Of the houses that did have their lights on, only about 2/3 had candy for trick-or-treaters. However, about 2/4 of the houses that did have candy had really good candy. Amy got really good candy from about 10 houses. Approximately how many houses are on Amy's street? 

50 houses
