Archaic Greece
Classical Greece
Roman Judea

What is the name of the mythological creature that was held by the labyrinth? Every 9-years, King Minos would command 7-boys and 7-girls to be eaten by the creature. What is it called? 

the Minotaur 


The basic unit of measure for any society was the city-state. What did the Greeks call the city-states?



Who is the famous Roman consul and eventual dictator that was named "Dictator for life" by the senate. He was assassinated by a conspiracy of Senators on the Ides of March 15th 44 BCE. 

Gaius Julius Caesar 


In the bible, this Messiah allowed the Hebrew exiles in Babylon to return home from captivity to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, as well as its second temple. Who was this messiah?

Cyrus the Great of Persia

What is the name of Rome's legendary first king and his brother? 

Romulus and Remus 


These two famous works of Epic Poetry and Greek literature were written at the end of the Greek Dark Age. What are they called?

the Iliad
the Odyssey


The Greek city-state was typically situated around a hill, topped with a fortified area. This would serve as a place of refuge in times of trouble, or also the center for the main religious cults, where temples and other building structures could be found. What was this called? 

the Acropolis 


Name the upper and lower classes of the Roman Republic. 

upper: Patricians
lower: Plebeians


There are two versions of the Jewish Talmud. Name both versions.

the Jerusalem Talmud
the Babylonian Talmud


What legendary war is said to have taken place during the era of Mycenean power?

the Trojan War


What is the name of the language spoken by the Mycenaeans? Unlike the language of the Minoans, this one was deciphered and can now be studied. What is it called? 

Linear B


Hoplites fought as a unit, shoulder to shoulder like a shield wall, in a rectangular formation. What was this formation called?

the Phalanx 


These Roman tribunes were brothers that both worked to build land reforms to help the poor of Rome. Instead, they both were murdered by the wealthy and powerful optimates. What are the brother's names? 

Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus 


What was the Hebrew literature that took the Israelites from being part of the Ancient Near Eastern culture to a distinct Jewish culture?

the Torah


The Cloaca Maxima is the "great sewer" that was built to drain and construct what famous Roman location?

the Roman Forum 


This was the first major civilization of the Greeks, despite not speaking the Greek language. They were based at Knossos and enjoyed luxury due to their successful trade on the Mediterranean. What is this civilization called? 

The Minoans 


By 490 BCE, the Persians landed at on the plain, only 26 miles from Athens, and were soundly defeated. What was the name of the plain where the Greeks and Persians fought? 



This Roman general and statesman won the first major Roman civil war and took the city of Rome by force. Having seized power, he executed all that opposed his reforms before giving the power back to the Senate. Who is this? 

Lucius Cornelius Sulla


When King Antiochus IV forced the worship of Zeus upon the Jews, a revolt occured. What was the name of the Jewish priestly family that won this revolt against the Greeks?

the Hasmoneans
or, the Maccabeans 


We said in class, among all the great accomplishments of Alexander the Great, this one was the most enduring and influential. What is it?

the spread of Hellenism, or Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean world. 


This is the name of the peoples that moved into the war torn areas after the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization. They spoke a form of Greek and may have been distant relatives of Bronze Age Greeks. What were they called?

the Dorians 


In an effort to form a defensive alliance against the possibility of Persia’s return, Athens established this legue, through which Athens would build its empire. What is the legue called? 

the Delian League 


Name all three figures that made up the first Roman Triumvirate. 

Gaius Julius Caesar
Gnaeus Pompey Magnus
Marcus Lucinius Crassus


the Jewish population refered to the image of Zeus Olympios in the Temple of Yahweh at Jerusalm as blasphemy. What did they call it when Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificed a pig there? 

the Abomination of Desolation


This is the Greek concept of virtue: won by struggle, and the marker of the ideal hero in Greek society. What did the Greeks call this virtue? 

