Theatre Spaces
The Actor
The Actor Cont.
The Director
The Director Cont.
They most common type of space in which an arch or frame surrounding the stage opening in a box or picture stage.
What is a proscenium?
Two examples of acting in daily life.
What is Imitation and Role Playing?
The saying we use to create distance between actors during a scene.
What is Kiss or Kill?
The Person responsible for the overall unity of a production and coordinating the work of contributing artists.
What is the director?
The precise staging of actors in order to facilitate the performance of a play.
What is blocking?
A stage entirely surrounded by the audience; also known as "theatre in the round."
What is an Arena?
To simulate or copy behavior observed in real life.
What is Imitation?
How do I get it?
What is Action?
Attempts to put on stage exact copies of everyday life; sometimes also called "slice of life."
What is Naturalism?
Rehearsals where costumes and make-up are added to the production?
What is Dress Rehearsal?
Stage space that goes into the audience space; a stage surrounded on three sides by audience seating.
What is a Thrust Stage?
In everyday life, the acting out of a particular role by copying the expected social behavior of that position.
What is Role Playing?
Name the two things that help with Concentration.
What is Same Rhythm, Same Intensity?
The style of theatre that is grounded on real life but has elements that may not be real, such as two scenes happening at the same time, wall we can see through, musicals.
What is Heightened Realism?
Rehearsals where lights and sound are added to the production.
What is Technical Rehearsals?
A theatre space that is open, flexible, and adaptable, usually without fixed seating. Stage-audience configuration can be rearranged to suit the individual requirements of a given production.
What is a Black Box?
The father of acting who created the acting system we use today.
Who is Constantin Stanislavski?
What do I want?
What is Objective?
The style of theatre that is based on imagination, fiction; Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, Wicked, The Lion King.
What is Non-Realism?
A director who shapes a production to fit his vision which often does not match the writer's. This includes cutting and or pasting the script, having actors perform accordingly to the director's vision, using elements that might not be asked for or necessary for the script. All to fit the vision of the director.
What is an Auteur Director?
The convention that the audience is looking into a room through and invisible wall which the actor can sometimes break for comic or dramatic effect.
What is the Fourth Wall?
1.Making characters believable-inner truth. 2. Physical acting-the use of the voice and body. 3. Synthesis and integration-combining inner and outer.
What are the Three Challenges of Acting?
Stanislavski's element that requires the performer to ask "How would I react IF I were in this character's position?"
What is Magic If?
An idea of the directors that serves to play in its truth and meaning that gives a production unity and cohesion. In the best cases these ideas are straightforward and derive from the play itself.
What Directorial Concept?
Director who abandons narrative or linear structure, alters, deletes, takes out of context, or reassembles portions of the text. This director also has cross-gender and multi-cultural casting. Their approach to theatre is free-form.
What is Postmodern Director?