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What is a cultivar of the red maple that is known for its bright red leaves in October?
Acer rubrum 'October Glory'
What is the most efficient maple for harvesting sap? Has sharply pointed brown buds. It is what the Canadian flag was trying to imitate with the leaf shape.
Acer saccharum (Sugar maple)
What is a maple tree with a nice exfoliating bark? Hails from china and is a smaller growing accent tree? Likes dry soil and is pollution tolerant?
Acer griseum (Paperbark maple) (Sapindaceae)
What is the tree that has purplish leaves and is something we won't ever plant.
Acer platanoides 'Crimson King'
What is the loneliest tree in the world? With unique fan shaped leaves?
Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair tree) (Ginkgoaceae)
What is the vomit of spring. Yellow flowers that have very hardy buds to survive the winter. Cold tolerant.
Forsythia Ovata 'Ottawa' (Early Ottawa Forsythia) (Oleaceae)
What is a maple that has a weaker wood. Native to southern Ontario. Sometimes multi stemmed and can have bracket fungi/ susceptible to disease. Back of the leaves tend to be silver and sharply pointed.
Acer saccharinum
What is our introduction to crabapples? It has 2 types of leaves and white flowers in bloom.
Malus sargentii (Sargents Crabapple) Rosaceae)
What is a shrub that looks like its on fire with the red leaves? Likes dry full son conditions and can tolerate salt and pollution. The branches are ridged what gives a square stem.
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' (Dwarf Winged Burning Bush) (Celastraceae)
What is a deciduous conifer that was once thought extinct? Fast growing and hardy.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
What is a shrub that if you turn the leafs upside down they look like bird feet. The leafs are silver and have hairs on the bottom. The flowers are bright yellow. It is a great plant for shity locations because it does well with salt and pollution.
Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfinger' Goldfinger Bush Cinquefoil Rosaceae
It is a slow growing maple that is commonly planted for its autumn colours. The petiole and buds are red.
Acer rubrum- Red Maple (Sapindaceae)
What is a deciduous conifer that hails from Turkey. Roots come out of the ground to help gather oxygen for the plant. Has interesting branch colour when the needles fall.
Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress)
What is a plant that has a leaf shape allowing the water to run off it?Leaves also are fine teethed and 3 defined veins on the back. Likes dry climate. Has interesting bark and pink clusters of flowers.
Heptacodium miconioides (Seven Son Flower) (Caprifoliaceae)
What is a tree that has white sap that comes out of the petiole when torn? Blooms early in the spring and drops leaves late in the fall. More rounded green buds.
Acer platanoides (Norway Maple)
What is a plant that produces underground runner roots. Has deer horn like branches and the fruit can be used in a rich vitamin c tea. Had a bronze yellow colour with new growth.
Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger' (Tiger Eyes ® Sumac) (Anacardinaceae)
What is the plant no-one knew on the walk. Except for David. Is a small specimen that has good fall colour and can be used for hedges. Tolerates dry and saltine soils.
Acer tataricium ssp. Ginnala (Amur Maple)
What is a plant that is attractive to hummingbirds. Bright pink flowers that when out of bloom the bark is not attractive.
Weigela florida 'Bristol Ruby' (Bristol Ruby Wiegela) (Caprifoliaceae)
What is a maple that hails from Japan and is commonly used in massing and autumn red colour. Has a leaf the shape of a palm.
Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple)
What is commonly found in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba? Is a weak wooded tree that doesn't look all too great.
Acer negundo (Manitoba Maple)