What are the two parts of the central nervous system?
Brain and spinal cord
explanation for the misinformation effect
Each time we experience an event, we create a memory trace. Each time we recall that event, we create a new memory trace.
How sensitive your perceptual system is to the presence of a stimulus (e.g. how low can you go?)
Absolute threshold
The ability to prioritise some information while ignoring other information
Selective attention
What is the magic number?
7 +/- 2
What are the four F's?
Fighting, Fleeing, Feeding, Mating
What was HM's diagnosis and what caused it?
Severe amnesia, epilepsy surgery which removed his hippocampus.
combining sensations from the world to create perception/ what we pay attention to
Bottom up process
A phenomenon of visual perception that occurs when a stimulus undergoes a change without this being noticed by its observer.
Change blindness
Do bigger body parts have bigger representation in the brain?
Which nervous system increases arousal, prepares body for survival-related action, the Four F's - fighting, fleeing, feeding, mating?
Sympathetic nervous system
Memory for factual information
Semantic memory
What are the two streams responsible for the neural processing of vision
Ventral and dorsal streams
What are the two processes that guide our attention? Hint: One is stimulus-driven and involuntary and the other is goal-driven and voluntary.
Top-down and bottom-up processes
The relationship between the physical world and the psychological world.
Name the different lobes of the brain.
Parietal, occipital, frontal, temporal
What is Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis?
proposes that emotional processes guide behaviour, particularly decision-making.
Objects maintain their properties even when the context changes their physical characteristics
Perceptual constancy
Reading the page of a textbook but not remembering what you just read is an example of what?
An automatic process.
What is dichotic listening?
the process of receiving different auditory messages presented simultaneously to each ear.
Also known as a knee jerk. It is an example of a neural circuit, the hit travels to the spinal cord and activates both an excitatory and inhibitory action. What is this called?
Patellar reflex
What are the two kinds of brain markers (ways of measuring brain activity)?
Changes in electrical activity on the scalp during a task, and changes to the blood in different areas during a brain task
Cannot “see” objects, but can interact with them normally
Listening to something and immediately saying out loud what you just heard
I find out that the price of my bus fare has increased by a dollar, and I am annoyed. But when I find out that the price of my flight to Auckland has increased by a dollar, I don’t care. My reaction is a demonstration of what?
Weber's law