What is an indulgence?
They are certificates that were sold by the Church that could lessen someone's time in purgatory and get them into heaven.
This is the German monk who criticized the Catholic Church for indulgences and nailed his 95 Theses to the door of a church in the city of Wittenberg.
Martin Luther
Which model of the solar system features the Earth in the center?
Geocentric model (also called Ptolemaic system)
Which scientist proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system?
Nicolaus Copernicus
This was the meeting in which Martin Luther refused to take back his criticisms of the Church and was branded a heretic and excommunicated.
Diet of Worms
This was the English king who began the Anglican church so that he could divorce his wife.
Henry VIII
Which model of the solar system has the Sun in the center?
Heliocentric model
Which scientist was called the "father of observational astronomy," discovered Jupiter's moons and Saturn's rings, and was placed under house arrest by the Church?
The Counter or Catholic Reformation began at a meeting of Catholic leaders, who discussed how to get people back to the Church. What was this meeting called?
The Council of Trent
This is the reformer that started a Protestant community in Switzerland and popularized the concept of predestination.
John Calvin
What type of evidence is based off of observations and experiments?
Empirical evidence
Which scientist discovered the Laws of Motion and the Theory of Gravity after he was allegedly hit on the head with an apple?
Isaac Newton
This conflict began as a result of religious "disagreements" in the Holy Roman Empire and ended with the Treaty of Westphalia.
Thirty Years' War
This man was the leader of the Reformation in Switzerland and started the Swiss Reformed Church.
Huldrych Zwingli
What idea holds that actions should be based on reason and logic rather than blind faith or emotion?
This scientist came up with the Scientific Method, and also might remind you of breakfast.
Francis Bacon
This man began the Jesuits, Catholic monks and missionaries that traveled the world to convert people to Christianity.
Ignatius of Loyola
This man was a Czech reformer who criticized the Catholic Church and was burned at the stake in the early 1400s.
Jan Hus
What best describes the impact of the Scientific Revolution?
Changed how we think: now knowledge is based on rationalism, reason, and experimentation rather than superstition and tradition
This scientist and philosopher stated, "cogito, ergo sum" which means, "I think, therefore I am."
Rene Descartes