Definitions pt.2
My Life with the Chimpanzees
My Life with the Chimpanzees
Milkweed Bugs/Organisms

Define individual


 a single organism 


Define community


all the interacting populations in a specified area


What was the name of the famous scientist who studies chimpanzees?

 Jane Goodall


Why was the work of Jane Goodall so significant? 

It was the first time chimps had been studied for such a long time.


What are the 3stages of the milkweed bugs?



Define ecosystem


a system of interacting organisms and nonliving factors in a specified area


Define biome

collection of ecosystems that have similar environments and organisms


Where was the location of the study on chimpanzees by the famous scientist in the documentary we watched in class.

Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania


Jane often made inferences. What is an example of an inference she made about the chimpanzees?

The chimps’ grooming was for comfort. Male displays were for dominance. Fifi was fascinated by Mandy’s baby. Chimps are curious.


What type of population study did we perform on our milkweed bugs?

Observational Study. We brought a population into the laboratory for observation. The population is isolated from the ecosystem in which it lives naturally.


Define biotic factors

consisting of living organisms and products of organisms


Which of the following are not part of the 10 biomes?

  1. Arctic tundra

  2. Freshwater

  3. Tropical Rainforest

  4. Wetlands

  5. Coral Reef

  6. Deciduous Forest

  7. Kelp Forest

  8. Gombe

  9. Desert

  10. Ice

  11. Temperate Grassland

  12. Talga

  13. Temperate Tundra Land


Temperate Tundra Land


  1. The study performed in the documentary from class was an example of a

    1. Observational study

    2. Controlled experiment

    3. Field test

    4. Investigational study

Observational study


What were four important findings from this long-term study of the chimps in Gombe? 

Chimps made and used tools, they built nests in trees to sleep, they killed and ate meat, and they killed and ate other chimps.


What type of organism was introduced to the class after our milkweed bugs? What did you notice about the habitat they were living in?

Red worms. They lived in a plastic container with air holes, soil, leaf litter, and water.


Define abiotic factors

Consists of nonliving factors


Define Organisim

A living thing


How old was Jane Goodall when she began her research, and what year was it?




How many generations of Flo’s family did Jane observe in the video? Why was it important to study the same family group for so long?

Three generations. It was important to study the same family group to identify patterns of daily behavior. She was able to see how behaviors were passed to the younger generations.

  1. Describe in detail the 6 main structures in our milkweed bug habitats.

  1. Plastic bag with air holes so they can breathe in a closed bag

  2. Straws for climbing

  3. Wool for eggs

  4. Water vial and paper towel for them  to drink

  5. Netting with sunflower seeds so they can eat

  6. Wooden dowel and binder clips to hold the bag upright


Define observational study

an experiment in which the observer collects data over time without interacting with the area of study 


Define anthropomorphism 

the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object


What were some of the tools and techniques she used to study the chimps? Give a few examples of the information she learned from using these tools


binoculars, so she could observe the chimps from a distance. 

notebooks, cameras, tape recorders, and camouflage so she could observe without disturbing the chimps. 

Techniques: sitting quietly until the chimps got used to her being there and hiding her body so the chimps would behave as if she wasn’t there.


Define and provide at least one example of an individual, population, community, and ecosystem in Jane Goodall’s chimpanzee study.


Individual - Flo 

Population - Flo, Flint, Fifi, Frodo, Figan, David Greybeard, Mike, Goliath, and Mandy 

Community - Chimps, baboons, termites, trees, and grass 

Ecosystem - Gombe forest, Lake Tanganyika, rain, and all the populations listed above


How do milkweed bugs reproduce and grow?

A male and female adult milkweed bug mate. They lay eggs in the wool or fluff. Eggs turn from light yellow to dark orange as they age. Eggs hatch and Nymph 1’s emerge. Nymph 1’s are small, black, and spider-like. After a few days they molt the exoskeleton. Nymphs continue to molt as they grow. After moltin, they appear a yellow color with bright red legs. The exoskeleton hardens and turns orange/black. They molt 5 times before becoming an adult. With each molt, the bodies change and markings develop. Nymphs are also called instars. There will be a total of 5 instars before becoming an adult  This process is called incomplete metamorphosis and it takes 5-8 weeks depending on the temperature.  
