This psychoactive drug is a dopamine antagonist and is used to treat ADHD.
Bandura's study findings suggested that children look up to parental figures to guide their behavior is an example of this psychological concept.
What operant conditioning principle do we use to increase good behavior?
The textbook defines this as the first step for acquiring memories which involves being attentive to the material presented.
This is developed at a young age to help us perceive, organize, and process information.
My brother asked me what my favorite color was and I told him it was orange. He further asked me to name a vegetable and I said carrot. What is this concept called
Priming: when a recently experienced stimulus affects our response.
Every time you take a shower, someone in the house flushes the toilet causing the water to turn cold and you to become cold. Now every time you hear a toilet flush, you get cold. What is the unconditioned response?
UR: getting cold
Name this phenomenon. When a person reacts and displays a conditioned response to a previously extinct conditioned pairing.
Spontaneous recovery
After getting home from school, Sam sits at the kitchen table and checks his notifications on his phone. His mom walks in and goes on about a list of things that he needs to do over the weekend. She ends with saying, "You heard that right?" Sam repeats the most recent thing his mother said to him. What type of memory was at work in this example?
Auditory sensory memory/echoic memory.
In intelligence, the word "shelf" (as opposed to what the shelf physically looks like) refers to this concept.
Symbolic representation
Stephanie is catching up with her friends at a high school reunion. She is able to listen to what her friends are talking about while tuning out the other people nearby. When someone calls her name she looks for them. What form of attention is this?
Shadowing: having different stimuli in both ears but the person must focus on one OR exogenous attention
Oftentimes physicians will give treatments that make people feel uncomfortable (a shot for example). After this happens several times, people will begin feeling uncomfortable at the sight of anyone in a white lab coat. What is the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus?
US: The shot
CS: Anyone wearing a lab coat
Jannette can't seem to leave the casino and decides to keep gambling. Which schedule of reinforcement is present here?
Variable Ratio
Jenny and her dad are going grocery shopping. Only her dad has the list so on the way there he reads what they will be buying (corn, towels, sausage, ketchup, sugar, and cheese). At the store, Jenny can only seem to remember sugar and cheese. What is this a specific example of?
The regency effect/serial position effect
My mother believes that if I wear ripped jeans then I will act out in school a lot. I found out that a lot of kids with behavioral issues that she interacts with at work tend to have ripped jeans. My mother is using which psychological concept?
Representative heuristic: making a decision based on an answer that is easy to come to.
This sleep stage includes heavy sleep that is difficult to make up from and is made up of slow waves.
Stage 3/4
For a while, Mandy developed a tasted aversion to fish because one time she got sick from eating it. Over time, when exposed to fish she became less anxious. What psychological concept is this?
Colin's boss told him not to come in on Friday because he was working very productively and made a lot of sales. His boss used this type of operant conditioning.
Negative reinforcement
Leah is studying for her psych stats exam that is in two days. She also has a Calc I exam tomorrow so she decides to study for calc first and then stats when she is at the library that day. What issue could this lead to which would impair her memory retrieval?
Retroactive interference: new information inhibits someone from remembering old information.
Emily is given a new puzzle and must figure out how to solve it. What type of intelligence is this an example of?
Fluid intelligence: processing information, your ability to reason, etc. in new settings
This is a theory that claims dreams are the product of your brain processing random brain activity.
Activation-synthesis hypothesis
After getting stung by a bee, Sam becomes extremely anxious anytime he hears buzzing near him. Most of the time the buzzing is not from a bee but from another insect. What psych concept related to conditioning is this?
Stimulus generalization
Maddy's dog tore up the couch while she was gone. She decides to yell at the dog in hopes that he will not act out again. What type of operant conditioning is present here?
Positive punishment
Rachel is on the way to a Troye Sivan concert that he friend offered tickets too. She has not listened to his music in a while so she has trouble knowing and singing all the lyrics. What is this an example of?
Blocking: when information is on the tip one someone's tongue.
Lisa was answering a multiple choice question on her test but did not know the answer. She reads the first answer (A) and believes that is right but reads the other answers just in case. She decided to go with A because it was the first thing she saw.