What is an Absolute Ruler?
A king who has complete control of a country; the economy, politics, people, etc.
What was John Locke's main idea?
Natural Rights; Life, Liberty, Property
Of the European explorers, who discovered America?
What is happening here? How is this related to the Scientific Revolution?
This is Giordano Bruno; he was burned at the stake for saying the Earth orbited the Sun
Name 3 of the Southern Colonies
What idea is described here?
Separation of Powers
Who was it that wrote 'The Leviathan'?
Thomas Hobbes
Name and describe the 3 reasons people might become explorers.
Gold = Money
God = Spread Christianity
Glory = Become famous
Is this model correct? How do you know?
No; Earth in middle, Sun in 4th spot
Name and describe the 3 types of colonies
Royal - control by UK/King
Proprietary - given land by King
Charter - bought land; colony is to make money
Describe what a Social Contract is.
An agreement between people and government about rights and responsibilities of each.
Montesquieu's main idea was...
Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances
Who is this explorer?
The first person to find a ocean route to Asia around the Cape of Good Hope (Africa);
Vasco De Gama
Who invented the scientific method?
If you buy a ticket, you get 50 acres. Other people buy you a ticket, they get your land and you work for them.
Ex- President/employees
Leg- Congress
Jud- Supreme Court
Only one of the Philosophers believed in Absolute Monarchs. Who was this philosopher?
Thomas Hobbes
The trade between America, Europe, and Africa is called...
The Columbian Exchange/Triangular Trade
What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
1. Make an observation/ask a question
2. Conduct background research
3. Form a hypothesis
4. Design and conduct an experiment
5. Analyze data
6. Draw conclusions
"Those who do not work, shall not eat"
Who said this? What town followed this rule? (hint: the first permanent English settlement)
Captain John Smith
Jamestown, Virginia
"no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions…"
What term does this quote describe?
Natural Rights
"He intends only his own gain, and he is, in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention"
Who do you think said this quote?
Adam Smith
"The people of ____ live by trade and industry; for cloth of gold and silk is woven here in great quantity and of great value...Merchants come here by ship from ____, bringing all sorts of spices and precious stones and pearls and cloths of silk and of gold and elephants’ tusks and many other wares."
This is from Marco Polo's book. What place is being described? How is this related to Age of Exploration?
Describing Asia/China/India
These are the goods they were trying to get to Asia to get their hands on. The 'G' Gold of the 3 G's
"Hence I feel no shame in asserting that this whole region engirdled by the moon, and the center of the earth, traverse this grand circle amid the rest of the planets in an annual revolution around the sun."
What does this quote mean? What model does it back up?
The Earth and moon travel around the Sun once a year.
The Heliocentric model
"We still call this time the 'Starving Time'. What we suffered was too terrible to talk about and too hard to believe. But the fault was our own."
What are 3 reasons why the 'Starving Time' was their own fault in Jamestown?
1. No Farmers on Passenger list
2. Bad relationships with Native Tribes b/c of 'unpredictable and violent' behavior and banned from trading corn with natives
3. Poor leadership at the beginning
4. Focus on gold rather than survival ('gentlemen' made up most of the passengers)