a group of people who sing together
a choir
performer / performance
A new basketball ____ has been built in the park.
a) track
b) court
A new basketball COURT has been built in the park.
Experience is essential _____ this job.
Experience is essential FOR this job.
_____ your homework, (some) research
DO your homework, (some) research
a collection of several pieces of music, made available as a single item on a CD, the internet, etc.
She has _____ over twenty points for her team during this match.
a) beated
b) scored
She has SCORED over twenty points for her team during this match.
This dance is popular ____ young people.
This dance is popular WITH young people.
_____ a risk, part in something, action
TAKE a risk, part in something, action
a large group of musicians who play many different instruments together
an orchestra
If a player is better than you, then they will ____ you whatever their style is.
a) miss
b) beat
If a player is better than you, then they will BEAT you whatever their style is.
Mike is tired ____ commuting from Glasgow to London every day.
Mike is tired OF commuting from Glasgow to London every day.
_____ friends, money, progress
MAKE friends, money, progress
he group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, someone speaking, etc
The ____ has been instructed to penalize players who deliberately waste time.
a) opponent
b) referee
The REFEREE has been instructed to penalize players who deliberately waste time.
She's not especially interested ____ sport.
She's not especially interested IN sport.
_____ a break, advantage, care of someone
TAKE a break, advantage, care of someone
a room with special equipment where television or radio programmes or music recordings are made
recording studio
journal (person)
Earlier this week Dan revealed that he's in __________for the London marathon.
a) workout
b) training
TRAINING is to exercise a lot and eat particular food in order to prepare yourself for a competition
Things have been going right ____ me these past few weeks.
Things have been going right FOR me these past few weeks.
_____ sense, a difference, a phone call
MAKE sense, a difference, a phone call