The one death we were all waiting for.
Who is Charles "Chuck" Joyce Alger?
This character says: "B-Bloody hell, I feel like I got thundercunted by Iceman."
Who is Dario Thatcher?
A Professor at the University of Richmond.
Who is Professor Ruben Alger?
This character gets their tongue burnt.
Who is Charlene June-Marie "CJ" Wilson?
The three characters were given tattoos during the events of Season One.
Who are Kamila "KJ" Jewel, Trey Fitzgerald and Wilbur Rutherford?
This character was defenestrated before death.
Who is Yasuko Akiyama?
This character says: "Nobody died, and I laughed."
Who is John David?
This character fought a bear.
Who is Kamila "KJ" Jewel?
These characters get severely injured in the aftermath of the explosions near Williams Island.
Who are Arthur Michaels, Justice "JJ" Jael, Javier Garcia, Kenny, and Autumn?
This is the only character to be in a confrontation with 2 types of animals.
Who is Evan Williams?
These characters were shot dead.
Who are Ava, Caio Rozovsky, and Amal Youssef Zrari?
This character says: "It involves you... and my FIST!"
Who is Javier García?
These characters were born in New York City.
Who are Russ Jelani, Ronnie Mukeshimana and Justice Jael?
These characters get bitten on their arms.
Who are Marlon, Krabat Zakarius and Russ Jelani?
What is 8?
Who are John David and Janelle Zakaya?
This character says: "Sounds like a real hardass..."
Who is Kenny?
These characters were born abroad.
Who are Anali Bahl, Azaria Azula and Evan Williams?
The number of characters who get shoulder injuries during the events of Season One.
What is 10?
The number of familial relationships involving Original Characters in Season One.
What is 6?
These characters get crushed.
Who are Kate García, Caleb de la Vega, Tristan Thompson & Landry?
This character says: "Let's not get shot today."
Who is Noelle Smith?
This character used to shoplift as a teen.
Who is Chloe Whitlock?
This character made it through the events of Season One uninjured and alive.
Who is Ronnie Mukeshimana?
The number of characters who use the 'Walker Guts' trick during the events of Season One.
What is 16?