Discovered X-rays
Who is W. Roentgen
What has a 6 month calibration requirement
What is Chernobyl
non zero number divided by itself
What is 1
2 p and 2 n
What is an alpha particle
Unit of radioactivity named after this French Scientist
Who is H. Becquerel
Units used on NDS survey meter for dose rate
What is mR/hr
What is Fukushima
Math that involves triangles
What is trigonometry
radiowaves, microwaves, visible light, x-rays
What is electromagnetic radiation
Which was discovered first, X-ray or Radioactivity
What is X-rays
4 checks done before using meter
what is physical check, calibration check, battery check and response check
Three mile Island
Math that uses letters as place holders
What is algebra
makes up protons and neutrons
What are quarks
Year that Varian made the first NDT LINAC
What is 1959
Radiography meters highest range requirement
what is 1 R/hr
what is SL1
What is a natural log
given off following a radioactive decay, no mass, no charge
what is gamma radiation
Who discovered gamma rays?
Source used for most meter calibration
What is Cesium 137
What is Windscale
for a triangle - angle 1 is 50o, angle 2 is 30o, what is angle 3?
What is 100o
Given off along with a beta particle, for beta decay
What is a neutrino