The French & Indian War
Taxes & The Boston Massacre
The First Continental Congress
Revolutionary War Part 1

The two sides in the French & Indian War

Who were the French & Indians vs. The British and the colonists? 


The term coined by patriots protesting the taxes on the colonists. 

What was "No taxation without representation!"? 


The definition of the First Continental Congress. 

What was a group of representatives meeting together to discuss their dissatisfaction with British rule? 


The name of the first battle of the Revolutionary War. 

What was Lexington & Concord? 


The definition of "salutary neglect".

What was Britain's attitude towards her colonies in the time period leading up to the French & Indian War?


Britain passed the Intolerable Acts which closed down the port of Boston. This was done in response to which event? 

What was the Boston Tea Party? 


The event that caused the First Continental Congress to convene. 

What was Parliament passing the Intolerable Acts?

Two advantages the colonists had in the battle of Lexington. 

They knew the land, were more dedicated to the cause, and fired from behind trees and walls. 


A large impact of the French & Indian War on the American colonies. 

Britain began to increase their control over the colonies. 

Britain enforced taxes to force the Americans to help pay for the war. 

New tensions arose between the American colonists and the British. 

Many colonists gained military experience. 


Provide an account of the events that took place during the Boston massacre. 

A group of colonists were harassing some British soldiers. The soldiers got into a conflict. One of them believed they heard the word "fire" and began firing on the colonists. As a result, five colonists died.

The name of the document drafted at the First Continental Congress. 

What was the Articles of Association? 

Two advantages the British had during the battle of Lexington (and the Revolutionary War). 

They had greater military experience, they had more manufacturing centers, more soldiers, and more support from Native Americans. 


The name of the act that prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains. 

What was the Proclamation of 1763. 


The name of the act that was eventually repealed by Parliament. 

What is the Stamp Act?


The main outcome of the First Continental Congress. 

The colonists drafted a document expressing their dissatisfaction of British rule. 


Two of the men who warned the American colonists that the British were coming. 

Who were Paul Revere, Samuel Prescott, and William Dawes?

The name of the Acts that Britain failed to enforce during the time period of "salutary neglect" in the 1600's. 

The Navigation Acts


The reason the Stamp Act was different than other taxes that had been passed by Parliament in previous years. 

The Stamp Act was the first tax that the colonists had to pay directly. Other taxes were mostly paid by merchants. 


The colony that did not send representatives to the First Continental Congress. 

What was Georgia? 


The signal Paul Revere received showing that the British would be taking the water route to reach Lexington. 

What was two lanterns hung on the Old North Church? 
