Wrote 'Descent of Man'
Charles Darwin
What are the foundational assumption about the world you use to view the world?
a worldview
Who discovered blood circulates through the body?
William Harvey
What is the belief that only the material world exists?
What is supposed to link two organism, so an organism that is in between being a fish and an amphibian is what?
Wrote the Natural History of Plants
Georges Cuvier
The belief that living things can come from common chemicals
Who supported the creation of the French Academy of Science?
Huguenots and Jansenists
Studying basic similarities within organisms
How did Francesco Redi and Louis Pasteurs experiments disprove spontaneous generation?
He proved that the maggots didnt come from the dead meat, a living fly had to create a living maggot. This way, he proved that living things can only come from living things, not dead. Pasteur disproved the idea that the broth, which had no living things in it, created bacteria. By not allowing dust to touch the broth by using a curved flask, he disproved the idea that dead broth created living bacteria.
Published detailed descriptions of anatomy in Fabrica
Andreas vesallius
What is specific revelation?
The Bible
Proposed the original idea that evolution happens through natural selection
Charles Darwin
What is the idea that evolution happens through quick bursts
Punctuated equilibrium
Who performed experiments with Dust and flasks of broth?
Tell me who did experiments on jars of meat with flies and maggots
Louis Pasteur
Francesco Redi
Wrote Natural Theology
William Paley
An idea of uniformitarianism
'the present is the key to the past?
Did experiments to help study comparative anatomy
Georges Cuvier
An idea that all information must have a meaning
Specified complexity
What is the idea that living things can come from nonliving things
Spontaneous Generation
Who wrote Principles of Geology?
Charles Lyell
A view of life that teaches that there is limited variation within a species
Orchard view
Helped found the philosophical college
John Wilkins
What is the belief that embryos resemble their adult forms of their ancestors?
Two part question!!!!!!!
What is supposedly the evolutionary ancestor of a horse?
What is supposedly the evolutionary ancestor of a Whale?
Hyracotherium/ Eohippus