Other things


1. Conveys identity and rank order.

2. Distance between any 2 numbers reflects an equal or demonstrated difference.

3. Numbers are used to denote membership. This scale does not indicate the order or distance between scores.

4. Numbers can undergo mathematical computations and the true zero points stands for "none" of whatever is being measured.


What is the mean of the following list of numbers?

10, 1, 19, 5, 12, 8, 17, 10, 1, 3, 10, 9, 20, 7, 15, 13


(sum of numbers)/(number of numbers)



In a college choir competition, the top 8 choirs sing in the final round of the competition.  They are ranked from best (1) to last (8).  This is an example of which scale of measurement?



What is a standardized sample?

The group of individuals on whom a test waws originally standardized for


What are the four fundamental principles?

Autonomy: respect for the freedom of agency of the individual

Beneficence: to do good

Non-maleficence: to do no harm

Justice: fairness



1. Conveys identity and rank order.

2. Distance between any 2 numbers reflects an equal or demonstrated difference.

3. Numbers are used to denote membership. This scale does not indicate the order or distance between scores.

4. Numbers can undergo mathematical computations and the true zero points stands for "none" of whatever is being measured.



What is the median of the following list of numbers?

10, 1, 19, 5, 12, 8, 17, 10, 1, 3, 10, 9, 20, 7, 15, 13


Arrange numbers in order then work inwards



In correlating 2 variables, a restricted range in either variable will have what effect?

Reduce the size of the correlation/lower the correlation coefficient.


What is the joining phrase when asked about deceit and suicide? 

Deceit: I did not do that. First person past tense

Suicide: I am not going to do that.


What is criterion-referenced testing? Give an example. 

Standards are based on performance compared to an external criterion pre-established by those designing the test.

Example: driving test or nursing exam


Interval Scale

1. Conveys identity and rank order.

2. Distance between any 2 numbers reflects an equal or demonstrated difference.

3. Numbers are used to denote membership. This scale does not indicate the order or distance between scores.

4. Numbers can undergo mathematical computations and the true zero points stands for "none" of whatever is being measured.



What is the mode of the following list of numbers?

 10, 1, 19, 5, 12, 8, 17, 10, 1, 3, 10, 9, 20, 7, 15, 13


Mode is the number that appears most frequently. 10 appears 3 times. If another appeared the same amount of time, it would be multi-modal.


Sidney scores 2 standard deviations above the mean. At which percentile did Sidney Score?


Mean is 50 + 34(1 SD) + 14 (2 SD) = 98


What is norm-referenced test? Give an example. 

It compares the test taker to others who have taken the test.

Examples: GRE or SAT


Describe the variables used to calculate SEm (standard error)

SE: standard error

S: standard deviation

N: sample size

SE= S/√N


Ratio Scale

1. Conveys identity and rank order.

2. Distance between any 2 numbers reflects an equal or demonstrated difference.

3. Numbers are used to denote membership. This scale does not indicate the order or distance between scores.

4. Numbers can undergo mathematical computations and the true zero points stands for "none" of whatever is being measured.



What is the semi-interquartile range of the following list of numbers?

10, 1, 19, 5, 12, 8, 17, 10, 1, 3, 10, 9, 20, 7, 15, 13


Top of 75% - Top of 25%


14-6= 8/2 = 4


Which central tendency is best for categorical variables?



At the very end of the first objective sheet, there is a diagram where we used words like validity, reliability, hypothesis formation, hypothesis confirmation, projective tests, and objective tests.  Thoroughly explain the diagram using these terms

On the left side of this diagram, you have hypothesis formation where validity and reliability are very low at this point in time you are using projective tests to form your hypothesis. On the right side of this diagram, you have hypothesis confirmation where validity and reliability are high and you have used at least 3 objective tests to make your confirmation.


What are the characteristics of constructed response items? 

- free report items (essay or fill in the blank)

- includes directions on time limits, manner and length of required response, and materials allowed

Advantages: richer sample of behavior and provide examples of a person's process

Disadvantages: score reliability, validity, scoring time is consuming, scoring is subjective, test take longer to administer and score making it difficult to have as many items as one can in a test of selected-response items, length of response can affect scoring as longer responses are larger samples of behavior


Match the type of validity

Content Validity

Concurrent Validity

Predictive Validity

Construct Validity

1. the test accurately predicts future behavior or mental illnesses.

2. the test matches with another test or measures that of the same psychological state in the present time.

3. Usually factor analysis is used to explore or confirm the concepts or issues being measured by the test.

4. Experts agree that a test or item on the test are good representations of information being tested.

Content: 4. Experts agree that a test or item on the test are good representations of information being tested.

Concurrent: 2. the test matches with another test or measures that of the same psychological state in the present time.

Predictive: 1. the test accurately predicts future behavior or mental illnesses.

Construct: 3. Usually factor analysis is used to explore or confirm the concepts or issues being measured by the test.


In a normal distribution curve, what percent of the population falls between -1 standard deviation and +1 standard deviation?


One SD on both side is 34. 34 + 34 = 68


Timothie scored 3 standard deviations above the mean.  What would be Timothie's t-score?


Mean for t-score is 50 and deviation of 10. 3 x 10 = 30 + 50 (above the mean) = 80


What are the characteristics of selected-response items? What are the advantages? Disadvantages?

- closed-ended

- forced choice: must choose from the answers

- Can be dichotomous such as true/false, yes/no or polytomous that has 3 or more alternative pre-selected answers

Advantages: ease and objectivity of scoring, enhanced reliability, efficient use of test time, can be easily transferred to numerical scale

Disadvantages: possibility of correct guessing, inattention, carelessness or malingering answering, cannot assess abilities and skills outside of the questions


Draw and label a normal distribution with percentile, standard deviation, and t-scores.

check with notes/google
