What is the purpose of F.O.C.U.S?
F.O.C.U.S is strategies for test taking that can help me do my best on a test.
What is the "F" in FOCUS and what does it mean?
Demonstrate a test taking strategy to help you calm down your nerves.
Anything that helps you will win you points!
What is the, "S" in F.O.C.U.S? What does it mean?
After the test is over I should (blank) review my work and look for possible mistakes. I should "scan it" and "check my answers"
What do you think it means to practice pacing on a test?
Pacing is when you don't go too fast, or too slow on a test. It is when you go middle speed.
What are two strategies you can try to help yourself calm down before a test?
Deep breathing, stretching, muscle relaxation, positive thinking and more.
What is the, "C" in F.O.C.U.S? What does it mean?
"C" means to conquer the test. Do the very best that YOU can do. Some strategies that help with this is calm down techniques. If you list any of them, you're a winner as well!
Why is it helpful to have a good attitude about taking tests?
A good attitude allows you to build your confidence and hopefully perform your very best. A bad attitude can hurt your chances of doing well because it can affect your confidence.
Before the test, what are three things I plan to do to make sure that I do my best.
Any of the F.O.C.U.S strategies or anything else we have discussed could be helpful. If you have other ideas, that may work too!
What is the "U" in F.O.C.U.S? What does it mean?
It means to understand it. If you don't understand something it will be hard to do well. What helps you to understand things is to practice and study. Also, ignore distractions, stay in your seat, keep your pencil on your paper and say to yourself, "I can do this."
Act out one of the letters in FOCUS. If you get someone to guess it, you will get the points.
If someone guessed what you acted out, you're a winner.
Please explain in detail how F.O.C.U.S can help you with taking tests. Short answers will not be enough to win!
The counselor will have to determine if you win based on your answer!
How can the Bear way help with test taking?
The counselor will determine if you are a winner.
Please share in detail a challenge that you have with test taking and how one of the letters in F.O.C.U.S can help you with that.
The counselor will determine if your answer is enough to win!