Chinese demanded these in payment
What is silver?
The cause for both the Haitian and the Latin American revolutions
What is racial discrimination?
The King and Queen overspent/mismanaged the government, and taxes were high
What are few of the many causes of the French Revolution?
Separated seeds from raw cotton
What is Cotton Gin?
Realism in politics
What is realpolitik?
Didn’t want to give up their limited supply of silver
Brits, French
The ideals and beliefs of which movement inspired the Age of Revolutions
What is Enlightenment?
The "storming" and takeover of this building started the French Revolution
Increased speed of weaving
What is the Flying Shuttle?
What the revolutions of 1848 demanded
What is a united Germany under the constitution?
Destroyed outdated Chinese wooden navy
What is the royal navy?
The establishment of democratic and representative governments, shifts in economic systems, & promotion of human rights
What are the effects of the revolutions in the Americas?
Over 20,000 French people were executed
What is the "Reign of Terror"?
Harness water currents to power factory
What is the Water frame?
Men who fought to unify Italy in the north and south
Victor Manuel & Garibaldi
Focused on throwing “foreign devils” out of China
What is the Native Chinese?
The imperial nations that suffered losses of colonies during the Age of Revolutions after the people in the colonies declared independence
What is Great Britain?
This powerful general took charge of France during the French Revolution
What is Napoleon Bonaparte?
Made grain harvesting easier
What is the Mechanical Reaper?
The kingdom that was the only truly "independent" Italian state
What is Sardinia?
Invaded/conquered Beijing
What are 8 European nations, Americans, & Japan?
Took place between 1775 and 1848 throughout Europe and the Americas
What is the Age of Revolutions?
The important document the French Revolution produced
What is The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?
Watered powered, automatically wove thread into cloth
What is the power loom?
The state that gained a lot of power after the decline of Austria
What is Prussia?