There is bruising of the skin and discoloration?
contusion of the skin.
How do you treat abrasions?
Wash the scrape with soap and water 2 times a day.You may cover the scrape depending on if it breached the skin and caused bleeding.
What is the purpose of electrotherapy?
helps reduce body pain through electro stimulus.
What are bones and what are joints?
Bones: hard white tissue that comprise the skeleton.
Joints:Where two parts of the skeleton are joined.
What are you most likely to injury when doing repetitive motions?
The skin has been scraped away
How would you treat bites or stings?
Clean the affected area with soap and water. Use a cold pack to reduce swelling and inflammation.
What are 3 samples of manual therapy?
Cupping, massages, scraping, etc.
Does the radius connect to the thumb or does the ulna?
The radius connects to the thumb and the ulna connects to the lateral side of the hand.
How do you classify a 1st degree injury?
A first degree injury or a mild degree injury is the least severe. They usually involve damage to the top layer of the skin or superficial tissues.
There are now small pockets of fluid just underneath the skin.
How would you treat a rotator cuff injury?
rest, anti-inflammatory medicine, strengthening exercises, ultrasound therapy, and surgery.
What are 3 examples of thermotherapy?
heatpacks, ultrasound, hotwirlpool, steambathrooms, heat wraps, sunlight.
What is the purpose of the sub-acromial bursa?
The bursa protects the supraspinatus muscle from attrition wear between the humeral head and the acromion
What is a second degree injury?
The middle ground of injuries. They involve damage to deeper layers of skin including the dermis.
Common and highly contagious skin infection that causes sores and blisters?
How do you treat anaphylactic shock?
Epinephrine(Epi-pen) to reduce your body's allergic response. Oxygen, to help you breath. An IV and cortisone to reduce inflammation.
What are the physiological effects of an ice pack?
Reduces pain, increases blood flow, and reduces edima.
What 4 muscles comprise the Rotator cuff?
Subscapularis, Infaspinatus, Supraspinatus, and the Teres minor(SITS).
What is a 3rd degree injury?
Caused by a fungus and causes a circular rash.
ring worm.
How do you treat sudden cardiac arrest?
Call 911 immediately and start life saving procedures. You should try to use a defibulator if it is a shockable rhythm otherwise try chest compressions if they can be done.
What part of the body is responsible for gate control theory and who developed the theory?
Melzack and Wall says that the spine is responsible for the "gate" in their theory.
What is the purpose/role of the Acromioclavicular(AC) joint?
This joint attaches the scapula to the thorax and allows gliding movement. It allows additional range of the scapula and allows for further movement of shoulder abduction and flexion.
John is a 45-year-old construction worker who has been experiencing pain in his right shoulder for several weeks. The pain started as a dull ache but has gradually become more severe, especially when he lifts heavy objects or reaches above his head. He has also noticed a decreased range of motion in his right shoulder. What is most likely the injury?
rotator cuff injury