Rule 26: Scope of Discovery
Other discover Rules: Dis. Continued
Work Product Doctrine/ Attorney client P
Summary Judgment
Other forms of Dismissal

Rule 26(b) Discovery scope and limits?

(1) Any non-privileged matter

(2) Relevant to any parties claim/defense 

(3) Proportional to the needs of the case 


What are interrogatories? How many can you have? Time period? 

Written questions asked by the one party to another where client has to answer them under oath

Limited to 25 

other side gets 30 days to object or answer 


What is the first step of the work product test?

Is it work product? 

(1) Doc. or tangible thing? 

(2) Prepared in anticipation for lit. or trial? 

(3) By or for a party or its lawyer 


What is summary judgment? 

Allows you to end a case before a jury trial 

Movant- Those who move for SJ

Non-movant- Those who are not moving or are the respondent 


What is voluntary dismissal?

Rule 41 (a)(1)(1) and (a)(1)(b) - Dismiss the case either early enough or by consent 

its effect is without prejudice


Primary optional instruments of discovery? 

Rule 30: Depositions 

Rule 23: Interrogatories 

Rule 34: Requests for production 

Rule 36: Requests for admission 

Rule 35: Physical/ mental Examination


What are requests for production? 

Asking for products from the other side such as documents and such 


What is step two of the work product test?

Discoverable anyway? 

(1) Otherwise discoverable under 26(b) (Do the scope of discovery test

(2) Substantial need by other party?

(3) No equivalent info can be obtained in another way


What are some important parts of rule 56: SJ?

(a) No genuine dispute as to any material facts (If we try this 100 times with 100 different juries it will always be ruled the same) 

(b) Motion for SJ anytime until after 30 days since discovery closed 

(c) Show don't tell. Cite to particular materials 

(f) Judgment ind. on motion. Grant for nonmovant, grant on the grounds not raised


What is involuntary dismissal? 

Rule 41(b) when P fails to prosecute 

Required instruments of discovery 

Initial disclosure 

expert testimony 

pretrial disclosure 


What is requests for admission? 

Requests for the other party to admit or deny

No limit on these

If they admit, it goes off the table for trial 


What is the third step of the work product test


If there are lawyers material impressions, opinions, or legal theories. 


How did Celotex change the standard from adickes? 

What role should the just play in SJ motions? 

Took the burden off of the D to disprove plaintiffs claim and adds another factor of being able to show plaintiff can't prove their claim 

Judges role: 

(1) Credibility determination- Weigh on the side of the nonmovant

(2) Weighing the evidence - On the side of the nonmovant 

(3) Drawing of legitimate inferences from facts to determine outcome 


Biggest cases for voluntary and Involuntary 

McCants v. Ford 

Wojitas v. Capital 

Link v. Wabash 


What is sanctions within discovery 

Rule 37: Motion to compel

When you can't reach an agreement with the other side on whether items are discoverable 

Asking court to compel other side to give you what you want. 

The side whom fails, has to pay attorneys fees for that work


What are depositions and its rules? 

(a)(1) Depose anyone, even a party, without leave of court 

(a)(2) If parties agree, no need to get court involved 

(b)(3) Party who notices deposition must state the method of rec. in that notice 

(d)(1) Limited to one day of 7 hours 

(d)(3) Motion to terminate or limit 

What are some elements of attorney-client privilege? 

Holder of privilege is or sought to be client 

Made by a lawyer who was acting as persons lawyer 

Privilege has been claimed and not waived by C

No outside people around 


Some major cases for SJ

Cross v. United States

Adickes v. Kress

Celotex v. Catrett 

Anderson v. LL


What is default judgment? 

Rule 55: When a party fails to plead or otherwise defend, clerk must enter the partys judgment 

(b)(1) Sum certain claim- Clerk can enter the judgment when the claim is sum certain 

(b)(2) When it is not, a judge will have to look at it, often with a trail, in which sometimes they will show up to dispute 


See practice problems 


and Practice problem from class (VIII-1)


What are protective orders? 26(c) (Some examples)

Ask the court to protect you in discovery, court can give you these types of relief: 

Specifying terms 

Forbidding disclosure 

trade secret 


See practice problem 



Some Practice problems 



Best case for default judgment 

Coulas v. Smith 
