Figurative Language
POV/Main Idea
Text Structures

What are the main components of a plot?

Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.


What is figurative language?

Figurative language uses words and phrases that aren’t the normal everyday meaning to make language interesting.


What pronouns are typically used in 1st, 2nd,and 3rd person points of view?

1st: me, I, we, us, etc

2nd: your, you

3rd: character name, them, he, she, etc


Name the Text Structure used and provide the Evidence that lead you to your answer. (key words)

The life of Marie Curie unfolded in a series of remarkable events. Born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867, she displayed an early aptitude for learning. Despite facing obstacles as a woman in science, she pursued her education and eventually moved to Paris, where she met her husband Pierre Curie. Together, they conducted groundbreaking research on radioactivity, leading to the discovery of two new elements: polonium and radium. Despite personal tragedies, including Pierre's untimely death, Marie continued her scientific work, becoming the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields.

Chronological Order; dates of her life in the order of time.


What is a simple sentence?

A complete thought that contains a subject and predicate.


Describe the difference between man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. society, and man vs. nature conflicts.

man: physical fight or argument

self: a struggle within yourself to make a choice

society: going against rules, laws, expectations (a group)

nature: against mother nature (animals, weather, sickness)


Differentiate between a simile and a metaphor with examples.

Simile: comparing 2 things using like or as

Metaphor: Comparing 2 things by directly stating something IS something else.

EX: You are as fast as a cheetah.

EX: My hands are icicles.


What point of view?

In the small coastal town of Seabreeze Cove, the salty breeze carried whispers of tales untold as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of gold and crimson across the sky. Along the rugged cliffs, silhouettes of fishermen returned from a day's catch, their boats laden with treasures from the deep. Meanwhile, children laughed and played in the sandy shores, their joyful voices mingling with the gentle lapping of the waves. As twilight settled over the sleepy town, a sense of tranquility enveloped Seabreeze Cove, a place where time seemed to slow, and the mysteries of the sea whispered secrets to those who dared to listen.

3rd person objective


Name the Text Structure used and provide the Evidence that lead you to your answer. (key words)

Cats and dogs are two of the most popular pets worldwide, yet they have distinct differences. While both are beloved companions, cats are known for their independent nature, often preferring solitude and quiet spaces. On the other hand, dogs are typically more social animals, craving attention and companionship from their human owners. Additionally, cats are known for their agility and grace, while dogs are prized for their loyalty and protective instincts. Despite these differences, both cats and dogs bring joy and companionship to millions of households around the world.

Compare and Contrast; 'differences', While, On the other hand, Additionally, despite the differences


Identify the subject and the predicate in the sentence.

The soccer player played strong defense and scored in forward.

*100 Bonus for sentence type

simple subject: player

compound predicate: played, scored

Simple Sentence


What is the theme?

In the enchanted forest, where the trees whispered secrets and the stars danced above, a young adventurer named Lily embarked on a quest to find the lost treasure of the forest guardians. With her loyal companion, a mischievous fox named Rusty, by her side, Lily ventured deeper into the woods, her heart filled with determination and curiosity. Along the way, they encountered challenges and obstacles, but with teamwork and courage, they overcame each one. As they finally reached the hidden chamber where the treasure lay, Lily realized that the greatest treasure of all was not gold or jewels, but the friendships forged and the memories made on their journey.

100 bonus points!!!

The importance of friendship and teamwork.

The greatest treasures are often found in experiences and relationships rather than material wealth.


What figure of speech is where two contradictory or opposite words appear side by side.

**Extra 200 points if you give an example sentence.


That cake is terribly delicious!


What is the Genre and from whose perspective is the passage told?

Growing up with a soccer ball at my feet, I knew from a young age that the beautiful game would shape my life. From my hometown in Diamond Bar, California, to the international stage, soccer has been my passion and my driving force. As a forward for both the U.S. Women's National Team and various club teams, I've experienced the exhilarating highs of victory and the humbling lows of defeat. Along the way, I've formed unbreakable bonds with teammates, coaches, and fans who have supported me through every goal, every setback, and every triumph. My journey has taken me to World Cups, Olympics, and beyond, but through it all, I remain grateful for the opportunity to inspire others and leave a lasting impact on the beautiful game that has given me so much.

Autobiography, Alex Morgan (soccer player)


Name the Text Structure used and provide the Evidence that lead you to your answer. (key words)

The industrial revolution brought about profound changes in society. With the invention of steam-powered machinery and the rise of factories, production increased exponentially. This led to urbanization as people migrated from rural areas to cities in search of employment opportunities. However, it also resulted in poor working conditions, overcrowded cities, and environmental degradation. These conditions sparked social movements for labor rights and environmental conservation, ultimately shaping the modern world.

Cause and Effect; Resulted, However

This excerpt illustrates how the invention of machinery and factories (cause) led to the consequence of urbanization as people moved to cities for work (effect).


Write an example of a compound sentence.

independent clause, coordinating conjunction independent clause.


Describe a famous landmark/event using all types of Imagery.

State Fair ex:

Smell/taste: We could smell the fresh made buttery popcorn.

Sight: There was an astonishing view from the tall needle tower that overlooked the overcrowded game area.  

Touch/Taste: We enjoyed some fluffy and sticky cotton candy.

Sound: We walked by the karaoke tent and heard the sounds of a guitar.


Name the Figurative Language used and explain it's meaning. 

Sally had a smile that resembled the Mona Lisa.

Allusion. Sally's smile is iconic or famous.


What is the Author's Purpose? Provide proof.

Picture this: a world where every person takes a small step towards a greener, more sustainable future. Imagine cleaner air, clearer oceans, and thriving ecosystems teeming with life. Now, consider the power of your choices in making this vision a reality. By choosing reusable products over single-use items, reducing your carbon footprint, and advocating for environmental policies, you can be a catalyst for positive change. Let's join hands and commit to preserving our planet for future generations. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.


Pronouns you and your, the inclusion of you the reader in the story


Name the Text Structure used and provide the Evidence that lead you to your answer. (key words)

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the tranquil lake, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. The water shimmered like liquid silver, reflecting the colors of the sky above. Tall reeds swayed gently in the breeze, their rustling leaves adding to the soothing symphony of nature. In the distance, a family of ducks glided across the surface of the water, their cheerful quacks echoing across the stillness. As evening descended, the world seemed to slow down, enveloping Sarah in a moment of serene beauty.

Descriptive; It provides vivid descriptions of the sunset and the lake, appealing to the reader's senses and creating a clear mental image of the scene. 


Write and example of a complex sentence.

Independent clause subordinating conjunction dependent clause.


Subordinating conjunction dependent clause, independent clause.


What words attribute to the overall mood? What is the mood?

The dense forest breathed with an eerie silence as Maria cautiously ventured deeper into the shadows. The gnarled branches of ancient trees reached out like crooked fingers, casting strange shapes on the forest floor. Mist whispered through the undergrowth, shrouding everything in a ghostly haze. Maria's heart pounded in her chest, the suspense hanging in the air like a heavy fog. Every rustle of leaves made her pulse quicken as she searched for the source of the mysterious whispers that seemed to beckon her further into the unknown depths of the forest.

 "eerie silence," "gnarled branches," and "ghostly haze"

Apprehensive, Uncertainty, Fearful 

Define idiom and give an example.

An expression that has a meaning different than the literal meaning.

Ex: Don't cry over spilt milk.


What is the main idea?

Tucked away in the heart of the bustling city lies a hidden gem: the community park. This vibrant oasis offers a peaceful retreat from the urban chaos, with lush greenery and colorful flowers painting a picture of serenity. Families picnic on the grass, children laugh as they play on the swings, and couples stroll hand in hand along the winding pathways. In this little corner of paradise, amidst the noise of the city, one can find solace and joy, reminding us all of the beauty of nature and the importance of taking a moment to appreciate it.

The main idea is that the community park serves as a peaceful retreat from the bustling city life, offering serenity, joy, and a reminder of the beauty of nature.


Name the Text Structure used and provide the Evidence that lead you to your answer. (key words)

Climate change poses a significant threat to our planet's future. Rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events are just some of the consequences of human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. However, there are solutions within reach. Transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing sustainable land management practices, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are crucial steps towards mitigating climate change. By taking decisive action now, we can safeguard the health of our planet for future generations.

Problem and Solution; listing of consequences and threats, "solutions", 


Identify the simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences:

1. We ate dinner at the Italian restaurant before we went to the concert.
2. The dog barked loudly, so the cat ran away.
3. Maria loves to read books in her free time.
4. When the phone rang, Mia quickly answered it.   5. Alex played basketball on Saturday and Sunday.
6.  She did her homework, yet she forgot to study for the test.

Simple: 3,5 

Compound: 2,6

Complex: 1,4
