Tips, Tools, Strategies
Madames CJ Walker
Why is Sleep Important?
Young George Washington

What tips, tools and strategies do I use for this type question? (RI.6.4 - Vocabulary)

What does the author mean by the phrase “vital role” in paragraph 1?

A) significant damage

B) important aspect

C) determining issue

D) assumed responsibility

1. What is the main idea?

2. Break down the word into prefix, root, and suffix

3. Context Clues

4. Replace the word with each answer choice


Why did Madame C.J. Walker invent a hair-care system?

A) Her husband encouraged her to create a new product for women.

B) She wanted to become wealthy, and she had experience in the beauty industry.

C) Her own hair was falling out, and she dreamed of a cure.

D) She enjoyed mixing oils together to create shampoos.

C) Her own hair was falling out, and she dreamed of a cure.


What does the author mean by the phrase “vital role” in paragraph 1?

A) significant damage

B) important aspect

C) determining issue

D) assumed responsibility

B) important aspect


Read the sentences from paragraph 3.

But a better thing is told of him. He was so virtuous, that his schoolmates used to bring their quarrels for him to settle.

What does the word virtuous mean?

A) extreme; revolutionary

B) influential; persuasive

C) moral; fair

D) popular; well-liked

C) moral; fair


What does the word CONVEY mean?

To make know and understand.


What tips, tools and strategies do I use for this type question? (RI.6.6 - Author's purpose)

What is the author’s purpose in the passage?

A) to entertain readers with exciting stories from Washington’s childhood

B) to explain to readers how little training Washington received before becoming president

C) to persuade readers that Washington is the country’s most important historical figure

D) to inform readers of some of the notable experiences in Washington’s early life

1. Does this part of the text or the whole text have a negative or positive tone.

2. Look at word choice. What is the tone/mood?


What choice is a claim made by the author in the passage?

A) Inventing a new product can lead to great wealth and fame.

B) Earning respect was more important to Madame C.J. Walker than helping others.

C) Madame C.J. Walker overcame difficulties and inspired others.

D) Female employers should only hire other women.

C) Madame C.J. Walker overcame difficulties and inspired others.


Which statement summarizes a central idea of the “Daytime Performance and Safety”


A) In order to avoid dangerous microsleep and remain safe, people must achieve quality sleep

each night.

B) Drowsy drivers can cause hundreds of thousands of accidents each year.

C) Remaining asleep throughout the night can be a challenge, but it is important for people to

get to bed at appropriate times each night.

D) Microsleep can occur even after missing only one or two hours of sleep.

A) In order to avoid dangerous microsleep and remain safe, people must achieve quality sleep


What is the author’s purpose in the passage?

A) to entertain readers with exciting stories from Washington’s childhood

B) to explain to readers how little training Washington received before becoming president

C) to persuade readers that Washington is the country’s most important historical figure

D) to inform readers of some of the notable experiences in Washington’s early life

D) to inform readers of some of the notable experiences in Washington’s early life


What does the word CONCLUDE mean?

To make a logical guess or decision. To come to an end.


What tips, tools and strategies do I use for this type question? (RI.6.3 - Author elaborate a topic)

How does the author elaborate on the idea that Madame C.J. Walker was a successful inventor?

A) The author explains how Walker came up with the idea for her hair loss remedy.

B) The author provides descriptions of Walker's popular products.

C) The author gives examples of the methods Walker used to sell her products.

D)The author mentions Walker's charitable donations.

1. What is the main idea?

2. Introduce within first 3 paragraphs

3. Illustrate - not only pictures or graphics - vivd word choice giving more descriptive detail

4. Elaborate - give more detail to help understand the topic

Anecdotes - short interesting story in someone's life, Examples, and Descriptions


Read the sentence from paragraph 6.

This process was the seed for the famous "Walker System" of hair care.

What does the author mean by the phrase "was the seed"?

A) was filled with problems

B) was the best

C) was grown in a garden

D) was the beginning

D) was the beginning


Read the sentence from paragraph 2.

The way you feel while you’re awake depends in part on what happens while you’re sleeping.

How do paragraphs 4-7 contribute to the development of the idea in the sentence?

A) by listing the required characteristics for a healthy, emotional well-being

B) by explaining some of the ways sleep influences the brain’s functions

C) by detailing the specific brain pathways affected by a sufficient amount of sleep

D) by discussing a personal account of the ways in which sleep changes the body

B) by explaining some of the ways sleep influences the brain’s functions


How does the author illustrate the idea that Washington was tough?

A) by pointing out that Washington was undefeated in athletic endeavors

B) by describing Washington’s experiences as a surveyor and major of a militia

C) by explaining how Washington was trained as a soldier at a young age

D) by focusing on Washington’s personal triumphs during battles

B) by describing Washington’s experiences as a surveyor and major of a militia


Banks of gorgeous flowers were on every hand, and birds with rare and brilliant plumage sang and fluttered in the trees and bushes

PLUMAGE most likely means

A) voices

B) nests

C) fur

D) feathers

D) feathers


What tips, tools and strategies do I use for this type question? (RI.6.2 - Main idea/Summary)

Choose three key ideas that should be included in a summary of the passage.

A) At the age of six, Walker's parents passed away.

B) walker had a difficult childhood but was determined to be successful.

C) walker invented a new hair-care system for African American women.

D) A newspaperman, Walker's husband encouraged her to sell her products by mail.

E) Lelia, Walker's daughter, changed her name to A'Lelia.

F) Walker became the first female millionaire in the U.S.

G) Walker donated $100,000 to build a school in West Africa.

1. Find the questions first before reading

2. Read all text features first

3. Summary - only main idea and most important details

4. Summary - look at title and subheadings


How does the author elaborate on the idea that Madame C.J. Walker was a successful inventor?

A) The author explains how Walker came up with the idea for her hair loss remedy.

B) The author provides descriptions of Walker's popular products.

C) The author gives examples of the methods Walker used to sell her products.

D)The author mentions Walker's charitable donations.

B) The author provides descriptions of Walker's popular products.


How does the author develop the idea that sleep affects all aspects of a person’s life and well-being?

A) by providing specific data

B) by using fictional stories

C) by listing medical diagnoses

D) by telling firsthand accounts

A) by providing specific data


Based on the information in paragraph 2, what inference can be drawn?

A) Washington wished that he could inherit his family’s land.

B) Washington admired his older brother and wanted to imitate him.

C) Washington’s family taught him about fighting in the military.

D) Washington’s older brother was respected and promoted often in the military.

B) Washington admired his older brother and wanted to imitate him.


Which word below has a suffix that means a condition or state of being?

A) happiness

B) visitation

C) colorful

D) misleading

B) visitation


What tips, tools and strategies do I use for this type question? (RI.6.1 - Citing Evidence and Inferences)

Which two quotations from the passage represent claims that are supported by reasons and evidence?

A) “Sleep helps your brain work properly.” (paragraph 4)

B) “Sleep deficiency also has been linked to depression and risk-taking behavior.” (paragraph 6)

C) “After several nights of losing sleep—even a loss of just 1-2 hours per night—your ability to function suffers as if you haven’t slept at all for a day or two.” (paragraph 15)

D) “You can’t control microsleep, and you might not be aware of it.” (paragraph 17)

E) “...sleep deficiency has played a role in human errors linked to tragic accidents, such as nuclear reactor meltdowns, grounding of large ships, and aviation accidents.” (paragraph 21)

1. Analyze the questions

2. What is the main idea of the text

3. Always go back to the text

4. Text to self connection

5. Text to text connection

6. How do I feel about person or topic after reading the text


Choose three key ideas that should be included in a summary of the passage.

A) At the age of six, Walker's parents passed away.

B) walker had a difficult childhood but was determined to be successful.

C) walker invented a new hair-care system for African American women.

D) A newspaperman, Walker's husband encouraged her to sell her products by mail.

E) Lelia, Walker's daughter, changed her name to A'Lelia.

F) Walker became the first female millionaire in the U.S.

G) Walker donated $100,000 to build a school in West Africa.

B) walker had a difficult childhood but was determined to be successful.

C) walker invented a new hair-care system for African American women.

F) Walker became the first female millionaire in the U.S.


Which two quotations from the passage represent claims that are supported by reasons and evidence?

A) “Sleep helps your brain work properly.” (paragraph 4)

B) “Sleep deficiency also has been linked to depression and risk-taking behavior.” (paragraph 6)

C) “After several nights of losing sleep—even a loss of just 1-2 hours per night—your ability to function suffers as if you haven’t slept at all for a day or two.” (paragraph 15)

D) “You can’t control microsleep, and you might not be aware of it.” (paragraph 17)

E) “...sleep deficiency has played a role in human errors linked to tragic accidents, such as nuclear reactor meltdowns, grounding of large ships, and aviation accidents.” (paragraph 21)

A) “Sleep helps your brain work properly.” (paragraph 4)


D) “You can’t control microsleep, and you might not be aware of it.” (paragraph 17)


Which two quotations from the passage represent claims made by the author?

A) “This play-captain soon came to be a tall boy.” (paragraph 3)

B) “These things proved that he was a strongly built and fearless boy.” (paragraph 3)

C) “You see that he wished to be a gentleman in every way.” (paragraph 5)

D) “His brother Lawrence wished George to learn to be a seaman, and George himself liked the notion of going to sea.” (paragraph 6)

E) “So, when he was just sixteen years old, young Washington accepted the offer of LordFairfax, and set out for the wilderness.” (paragraph 8)

B) “These things proved that he was a strongly built and fearless boy.” (paragraph 3)

C) “You see that he wished to be a gentleman in every way.” (paragraph 5)


Daniel was short, so he tried to augment his height by putting inserts in his shoes

What does the word AUGMENT mean?

To make greater by adding to it or increasing it