The integer of 77
What is -77
What is 45
convert 1/2 to a decimal
what is 0.5
is 4\5 a rational number?
What is yes
order from least to greatest, -2, -5, 7, 0
what is -5,-2,0,7
The integer of 56
What is -56
what is 63
convert 1.23 to a fraction
what is 123/100
Is 2 a rational number
What is no
greatest to least 77,-77,88,-90,-2
what is 88,77,-2,-77,-90
The integer of -83
What is 83
what is 73
convert 6.4555 to a fraction
what is 4555/10000
what is .5 as a rational number
What is 1/2
Least to greatest 78, -55,0
what is -55,0,ans 78
The integers of -45 and 55
What is 45 and -55
what is 70
convert 4/5 to a decimal
what is .8
what is 2.5 as rational number
what is 2 and 1/2
Greatest to least |-88|, -|88|, 0
what is |-88|,0,and-|88|
The integers of 66, 90, and -23
What is -66,-90, and 23
-|444| and|-444|
what is -444 and 444
convert 4/55 to a decimal
what is 0.072727272727273
True or false, every whole number is a rational number
what is true
Least to greatest|90|, |-70|,0
what is |90|,|-70|, and 0