An offender posts photos of officers during a home call visit is a positive for the department by showing officers doing their job
can have a negative impact on the officers in the photo
Running rap sheets on your neighbor is an example of
This is best option to reduce racial and ethnic disparity
What is using objective decision-making tools whenever possible
Medical expenses can be recovered under this penal code
What is PC 1202.4(f)(3)
Interview technique used by officers
What is build a rapport
Appropriate use of social media
what is sharing photos of pets, family, trips
Free items, discounts, unpaid privileges are examples of this
What is gratuities
A person states they were born male just identified themselves using biological anatomy
What is false.
Natural anatomy
An offender always has the right to a restitution hearing to dispute the ordered restitution amount
What is true
Active listening definition
What is mindfully hearing and attempting to comprehend the meaning of words spoken by another in a conversation or speech
Probation officers' social media statements can potentially conflict with the policies of their department
What is true
An officer buying drugs from an offender is an example of this
What is an unethical relationship
Cultural competency training, prevention programs, and objective decision-making tools to reduce overrepresentation help reduce this
What is racial and ethnic disparity
The officer who writes the PSI is responsible for completing these tasks (3)
What is contact the victim, determining losses, and submitting restitution recommendations
PC 1203
What is the Penal Code is the statutory authority for probation report and recommendations.
Usefully information obtained from an offender's social media
What is friends list, photos, videos, check-ins
An officer needs to exemplify high morals/ethics on and off duty.
What is true
-Example officers (BPD, CHP, KCSD, KCPD) DUI's etc
Attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner is this
What is implicit bias
This information is placed in the ISIS alert tab
What is officer safety
What is cause of present hearing, circumstances, statements, subject history, analysis, finding, recommendations, conditions of probation
A PO can search any offender's social media's account
What is false
Consequences when a law enforcement officer violates the law/departmental policies (3)
What is-
criminal investigation
public perception
loss of credibility
Special considerations related to gender identity issues.
What are screening, housing, and searches
When a release of information is waiver is necessary regarding an offender
What is trying to obtain treatment provider/treatment information on an offender
This not a required part of a court report.
What is restitution