Stress and PTSD
Personality and Social Psychology
Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders
Psychotic Disorders and DID
Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Neuro Disorders
Therapy and Misc

Being time conscious, competitive, and impatient.

a) Type A Personality

b) Type B Personality

c) Type C Personality

d) Type D Personality 


What is the Rorschach's project test designed to measure? 

a) the unconscious mind

b) dreams

c) conscious awareness

d) mental status


The two sub-types of Anorexia Nervosa are restricting type and what other type?

a) binge eating type

b) overeating type

c) binge/purge type

d) compensatory type


DID often stems from _______

a) emotional abuse

b) trauma

c) unhealthy childhood

d) drug and alcohol abuse 


This mood disorder is a milder form of Major Depressive Disorder. 

a) depressive disorder NOS

b) Dysthymic Disorder

c) Adjustment disorder with depressed mood

d) Seasonal Affective Disorder 


Which of the following is not a type of ADHD?

a) inattentive type

b) hyperactive type

c) hyperactive/impulsivity type 

d) combined type


Two types of interviews when gathering information during an assessment

a) open and close-ended 

b) structured and unstructured

c) free flowing and structured 

d) formal and unformal 


An individual cannot be diagnosed with PTSD until at least   ____ days after the trauma.

a) 45

b) 60

c) 14

d) 30


In Zimbardo's study, how were the students chosen to be prisoner or guard?

a) The students decided if they wanted to play prisoner or guard.

b) Zimbardo chose the group they wound be in.

c) The first 12 to participate became the guards.

d) It was done randomly.


If conduct disorder goes untreated, it can develop into this personality disorder.

a) borderline

b) narcissistic

c) anti-social

d) histrionic


The average number of personalities someone with DID develops is _________,

a) 12

b) 20

c) 14

d) 15


What is the most popular antidepressant? 

a) Lexapro

b) Effexor

c) Cymbalta

d) Prozac


What is the most central feature of autism? 

a) lack of boundaries

b) difficulties managing change

c) lack of responsiveness

d) angry outbursts

A therapist who combines multiple techniques during therapy

a) cognitive/behavioral therapist

b) Diversified therapist

c) Eclectic therapist 

d) Inclusive therapist 


This term refers to the fact stress can sometimes be beneficial.

a) pro-stress

b) eustress

c) de-stress

d) positive stress


The projective tests are not considered tests because ________.

a) they cannot be scored

b) There are no specific questions that are asked.

c) There are no right or wrong answers.

d) They are considered tests. 


What is the main reason for death among individuals diagnosed with anorexia nervosa?

a) malnutrition

b) kidney failure

c) cardiac arrest

d) there are multiple causes


 The most common hallucination among those diagnosed with Schizophrenia   

a) visual

b) tactile

c) auditory

d) Theya are all equally common 


The treatment of choice for someone diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. 

a) Prozac

b) Zyprexia

c) Seroquel

d) Lithium


How many levels of autism are there? 

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5


Helping a client achieve insight into the unconscious conflicts underlying their problems would fall under this type of therapy.

a) humanistic

b) psychodynamic

c) cognitive

d) behavioral 


Emotion focused coping would be best used in which of the following situations? 

a) getting poor grades in school

b) losing your job

c) when getting divorced

d) a family member having surgery


John is attracted to his co-worker but rather than admit he is attracted to her he tells his friend that she is attracted to him.

a) reaction formation

b) displacement

c) repression

d) projection


Borderline, Narcissistic, Histrionic, and Anti-social personality disorders fall under what cluster of personality disorders? 

a) cluster A

b) cluster B

c) cluster C

d) cluster D


Which of the following is not a negative symptom of Schizophrenia?

a) hallucinations

b) poor hygiene 

c) flat affect

d) socially withdrawn


What word is often indicative of suicide? 

a) worthlessness

B) loneliness

c) rejected

d) hopelessness


A Which of the following is not true for ODD but is true for conduct disorder. 

a) ODD is characterized by violations of the rights of others.

b) ODD is characterized by defiant behavior. 

c) Someone with ODD will blame others for their behavior.

d) Someone with ODD will not listen when spoden to. 


The C in Albert Ellis's ABCD model of Rational-Emotive Therapy stands for _________,

a) consequence

b) change

c) choice

d) challenge


Someone who is pessimistic _____.

a) attempts of focus on a positive outcome 

b) will look at both sides of a situation 

c) anticipates negative outcomes

d) remains neutral when addressing controversial topics


Going along with a request

a) compliance

b) obedience

c) conformity

d) adherence


What is one of the major trigger foods for someone diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa?

a) bread

b) butter

c) sugar

d) all foods are trigger foods


Brief psychotic disorder does not last more than ____.

a) 2 weeks

b) 6 months

c)  1 month

d) 1 year 


Valerie is very angry at her boss after he confronted her about a project she worked hard to develop. She quickly decides to take a break and go for a walk while listening to music. 

a) suppression

b) reaction formation

c) projection

d) sublimation


What is the main reason why children seek mental health treatment? 

a) anxiety

b) depression


d) ODD 


What is a major side effect from ECT? 

a) irritability

b) angry outbursts

c) short term memory loss

d) long term memory loss 


The essential feature of PTSD is what? 

a) flashbacks

b) severe anxiety

c) nightmares

d) repression 


In Zimbardo's prison experiment, how were the prisoners escorted to the prison?

a) Zimbardo

b) College Security

c) The Guards

d) Police 


When an individual has an eating disorder but does not meet the criteria for a major eating disorder, they are diagnosed with this disorder. 

a) Eating Disorder NOS

b) Eating Disorder NOL

c) Eating Disorder NOF

d) This type of eating disorder does not exist


Which of the following is not an antipsychotic medication? 

a) haldol

b) seroquel

c) thorazine 

d) cymbalta 


From the Greek word for fear

a) anxiety

b) worries

c) phobia 

d) helpless


Which disorder was removed from the DSM-5?

a) Asperger's Disorder 

b) Separation Anxiety Disorder

c) ADD

d) both A and C


Carol applied for her dream college and was rejected. She told herself that she never really wanted to go there anyway.  

a) denial

b) projection

c) reaction formation

d) undoing


A major storm with damaging winds would be considered what type of stressor? 

a) disastrous

b) destructive

c) catastrophic 

d) cataclysmic  


When an individual puts in less effort when working in a group, it is called ___________.

a) group loitering

b) group lounging

c) group evading

d) group loafing


Which of the following is not a symptom of borderline personality disorder.

a) inability to focus 

b) extreme fear of rejection 

c) impulsivity

d) black and white thinking

e) mood swings 


How many personalities must you have to be diagnosed with DID? 

a) at least 3

b) at least 4

c) at least 2

d) none of the above 


Children with Separation Anxiety disorder complain of 2 things when they don't want to go to school. 

a) stomachache and headache

b) toothache and stomachache

c) sore throat of stomachache

d) headache and sore throat 


Which disorder best describes vandalism, setting fires, stealing, cruelty to animals, and aggression?

a) oppositional defiant disorder 

b) Conduct Disorder 


d) Both A and B


If you are diagnosed with more than one diagnosis, it is called ____________.

a) Combined diagnosis

b) comorbidity

c) Comorian

d) double diagnosis


Most of our stress comes from ___________,

a) what others tell us

b) the situation 

c) lack of control 

d) our own thoughts 


John is upset when he gets his test back and it is a failing grade. Rather than yell at the teacher, he calls his mom and yells at her.

a) reaction formation

b) projection

c) displacement

d) repression


An eating disorder typically begins ___________.

a) after a conflict with a family member or peer

b) when encouraged by friend to try it to lose weight

c) peer pressure

d) a diet


What personality appears more than others? 

a) the core

b) the host

c) the dominant personality

d) the protector


Which of the following is a drug treatment for anxiety? 

a) antidepressant

b) anti-psychotic

c) sedative

d) mood stabilizer 


What is Enuresis? 

a) defecating in one's clothing 

b) angry outbursts for no reason

c) repetitive movements

d) wetting in one's clothing 


Systematic Desensitization is used to treat _____.

a) panic attacks

b) OCD

c) phobias

d) a variety of anxiety disorders 


What disorder do some people develop after a catastrophic event? 

a) Schizoaffective Disorder

b) acute stress disorder


d) Bipolar Disorder


Personality tests would most often be used by psychologists following what perspective? 

a) Humanistic

b) Behavioral

c) Cognitive

d) Psychodynamic 


Can you 302 someone with an eating disorder? 

a) of course you can!

b) no, you can not

c) It depends on their age

d) It depends on their weight


Why is suicide more common among people diagnosed with schizophrenia? 

a) They can no longer manage their symptoms

b) They are often discriminated against.

c) Feeling hopeless about recovery

d) command hallucinations 


People who fear embarrassing themselves in front of other people have a ________.

a) natural environment type phobia

b) specific phobia

c) situational type phobia

d) social phobia


Echolalia is often found in children with this disorder. 

a) autism spectrum disorder


c) ODD

d) learning disability 

Token reward system, contracts, exploring health coping skills would all fall under what type of therapy?

a) humanistic

b) cognitive

c) psychodynamic

d) behavioral 


One of the most effective treatments for someone diagnosed with PTSD is what?

a) group therapy

b) CBT

c) Freudian Therapy

d) Humanistic therapy


What is the healthiest of all the defense mechanisms?

a) suppression

b) undoing

c) sublimation

d) humor


With Bulimia Nervosa, what is a non-compensatory behavior? 

a) vomiting

b) using laxatives

c) binging

d) excessive exercise


The psychodynamic perspectives explains DID as a way to cope with ______________.

a) severe depression

b) extreme anxiety

c) feelings of abandonment

d) lack of trust 


How many panic attacks must you have before you can be diagnosed with panic disorder?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4


In order to be diagnosed with ADHD, symptoms must occur in at least __________ settings. 

a) 2

b) 3

c) 1

d) It doesn't matter


What is the primary advantage of a diagnosis? 

a) reimbursement for services

b) to obtain outside Resorces

c) communication 

d) helps determine treatment options


Where does most of our stress come from?

a) the environment

b) family related issues

c) our inability to cope

d) our thoughts 


What is the most famous projective test?

a) the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

b) The Rorschach Inkblot Test

c) The House-Tree-Person Test

d) They are all equally famous


Where do researchers often look for individuals with anti-social personality disorder?

a) mental health facilities

b) hospitals

c) prisons

d) big cities


If Sigmund Freud was living today and working with someone diagnosed with DID, he would focus on _____,

a) repressed memories

b) coping skills

c) negative self-talk

d) integration 


To be diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, you must have symptoms for at least ____month(s). 

a) 1 month

b) 3 months

c) 6 months

d) 2 months 


Neurodevelopmental disorders were once called ___. 

a) children and adolescent disorders

b)  childhood disorders

c) developmental disorders

d) none of the above 


What category of disorders will not be covered under insurance? 

a) psychotic disorders

b) dissociative disorders

c) personality disorders 

d) They are all covered by insurances 
