Intro to EMS
Well-Being of EMT
Medical Issues
Legal Issues
Ethical Issues

The number of levels of EMS training



Eye protection, gowns, masks, gloves, and face shields are all examples of this

Personal Protective Equipment


consent that is given by mentally competent, legal aged adults who can make rational decisions in regards to their medical well-being



These laws protects people what are trying to help in an emergency

Good Samaritan Laws


You arrive to a home where a patient has experienced cardiac arrest. Friends at the home have begun CPR and you take over for them. The daughter arrives and yells "Stop, Mom doesn't want CPR done!" In order for you to stop resuscitative measures, what must be present

DNR or POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment)


 Is involved in all aspects of the patient-care system, and assumes responsibility for patient care rendered by EMT

Medical Director

Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious infectious spread by this mode of transmission



A 16-year-old patient is involved in an ATV accident and admits to the use of alcohol. Patient has an obvious head injury and is confused. Law enforcement is unable to reach the patient's parents. Patient is refusing to allow you to treat them. What would you do?

Treat and transport under the authority of implied consent in absence of parents

A document allowing the healthcare provider to withhold resuscitation from a chronically or terminally ill patient

advance directive


You are called to the scene of a accident where the patient is experiencing a large amount of blood loss. When you get on scene, you recognize the patient as the new person your best friend just started dating. Enroute to the hospital, the patient confides in you that they are HIV positive. Your are unsure if your best friend knows this information. If you were to tell your friend this information, you could be found to have breached this Federal Law



A written authorization for an EMS provider to perform a particular skill in a specific situation

Standing Order


What part of the nervous system is responsible for the fight-or-flight response?

Sympathetic nervous system


You are transferring your patient to another hospital for care, when you arrive you take them to their room and transfer to their assigned room but do not advise the nursing staff. You have just committed what act?



Your partner is telling the rest of the crew that you have an untreated addiction to alcohol and that you have come on shift with alcohol on your breath. You don't have a alcohol addiction and have never drank before a shift. You could charge your partner with this



You are called to the home for a young female who is "not making any sense." Once on scene, you find a 19 year old female who is mumbling and is in and out of consciousness. Her boyfriend is sitting in the other room and states, "I just found her that way" and starts pacing around the room. At one point he states,  "you don't think I did this do you?" You find his behavior unusual and suspicious. The next appropriate step is

Leave the house and call law enforcement


The most advanced level of pre-hospital care



This type of hepatitis is transmitted by fecal-oral route

 hepatitis A


consent that is presumed if the patient or guardian would give if they could



This has specific requirements for record keeping, storage access and discussion of patient-specific information.

HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)


You are on the scene of a demolition derby where one car struck another car. Witnesses report that one driver had a "moment of unconsciousness" after he was hit in the drivers door. The patient is now conscious, alert and oriented and refusing your care and transport. Your next steps should be.

Inform the patient of your concerns, try to persuade them to transport, explain risks of non-transport and gain refusal signature of continued refusal.


Medical techniques or practices that are supported by scientific evidence that confirm that they are safe and will produce the desired result are known as

Evidence based


This delayed stress reaction can be triggered by a specific incident and is also known as this

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Care that is expected to be provided by and EMT with similar training when caring for a patient in a similar situation

Standard of care


You and your partner have finished your 15th call of the day and you are 5 min from the end of your shift. You are on block from the station and you see a accident scene and people standing around appearing uninjured. You decide to continue on to the station and clock out from your shift. As on-duty EMTs you could be liable for violating your

Duty to Act


As an EMT you are mandated to report this 3 types of abuse

child, domestic and elder


In what decade did the modern EMS system begin?



State of exhaustion and irritability resulting from sustained and recurring low-level stressors that decrease one's effectiveness in delivering emergency medical care, also known as cumulative stress reaction



You arrive at the scene of an obvious suicide by hanging. Your next step is

call law enforcement


This law protects children who otherwise may be abandoned or harmed by parents unwilling or unable to care for them

Safe Haven Laws


You are dispatched to a "man down" and given no further information. As you enter the scene, the bystander who found him yells, "help him, that guy shot him" while pointing to a man crouched behind a dumpster. Your next step is

leave the scene, encouraging bystander to do so also and call law enforcement.


The evaluation of the patient's condition in order to provide emergency care

patient assessment


When using a mask on a patient to prevent the spread of infection, you should be aware of this risk

obstruction of the airway


You arrive on a scene of a patient that has received several stab wounds to his chest. You must remove his shirt quickly to access his wounds and stop his bleeding. How do you accomplish this

cut off shirt but do not cut through stab holes

The purpose of getting a patient to sign a refusal of treatment form is

release you from liability for not providing care


You arrive at the scene of a MVA where the car has struck a power pole. There appears to be live wires down on the car. There are patient trapped in the car and you can hear a small child screaming from somewhere in the car. What is the most appropriate action

Do not approach the car and call dispatch to alert appropriate company to the scene


People specially trained to receive call and give prearrival instructions for emergency care until EMS can arrive on scene

Emergency Medical Dispatchers


An incident that can provoke someone with PTSD



EMS is focused not just on the short-term survival of patients but the goal is the long-term survival of patients. This is called

patient outcomes


You arrive on the scene of someone complaining of chest pain. After assessment of patient, you suspect patient may be having a heart attack. You send your partner to get medications to treat the patient, when your partner returns they state they forgot to stock the medication box. Your patient condition declines and patient goes into cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital. You could be charged with this



You arrive to an apartment that is unsanitary and in a hoarding state. There is rotting plates of food throughout the home and the smell of mold and urine permeates the air. You find an malnourished, frail, unkept elderly male in a chair with urine stains and you note bruises on the male in various stages of healing. The man's son is also present but does not engage with you. After assessing the elderly man, you discuss your findings and suggest transport. Your patient states he doesn't know what to do and asks his son what to do. The son replies, "his fine, he doesn't need to go anywhere." The patient then states "I'm ok. I'll stay here." After further discussion and ultimately getting a refusal signed, you depart scene. What more can be done for this patient

Report this as potential elder abuse to Adult Protective Services
