What can you copy and paste?
text, photo, file, document, link, folder
Name five uncountable nouns.
accommodation, information, news, luggage, baggage, air, love, time, money, etc.
Translate into English:
Pavel to určitě neudělal, ale mohl to být Petr.
It can´t have been Paul, it may/might/could have been Peter.
Name at least five active verbs associated with working on the computer.
log in/out, delete, create, paste, scroll down/up, empty, follow, etc.
Translate into English:
"Mám málo peněz, ale hodně času."
I have little/not much money, but a lot of time.
Translate into English:
Měl jsem se víc učit. Mohl jsem mít lepší výsledky.
I should have studied more. I may/might/could have had better results/grades.
Name at least five words associated with a hardware.
Monitor, mouse, keys, keyboard, webcamera, microfone, etc
Translate into English:
"Máme doma nějakou rýži? Ne, nemáme žádnou rýži, ale máme hodně soli."
"Do we have any rice at home? No, we have no rice/ we don´t have any, but we have a lot of/lots of/(much) salt."
Your friend cried yesterday. What might have happened?
She might have failed her test/ broken up with sm./fallen from the tree,bike/ been bitten by...
User can "jump" to a new Web page or a completely different Web site thanks to a _________
Rephrase it:
"I don´thave much IT homework this weekend."
I have little IT homework this weekend.
Rephrase it with SHOULD:
Leaving your phone on was a bad idea.
You should not have left your phone on/ You should have left if off.
Used to refer to someone who can gain unauthorized access to other computers
"Mám trochu peněz. Dám si bud málo hranolek anebo málo rýže."
I have a liitle money. I either have few French fries or little rice.
Your neighbours´house was broken into. 4 sentences with past modals to speculate about this situation.
They must have....can´t have, might have...might not have