majority of fish belong to this group
What are bony fish?
spend time on water and land, but must lay eggs in water
What are amphibians?
organisms with dry, scaly skin that lay amniotic eggs
What are reptiles?
glands that lubricate the hair and skin
What are oil glands?
the skull and vertebrate are part of the ____ in vertebrates
What is the endoskeleton?
What are fins?
body temperature changes with the environment
What are ectotherms?
three groups of reptiles
What are turtles, crocodilians, and lizards and snakes?
maintain a near constant body temperature
What are endotherms?
What are molars?
breathing organ of fish
What are gills?
period of inactivity during the cold months
What is hibernation?
examples of this group include crocodiles and alligators
What are crocodilians?
whales, humans, and elephants belong to this group of mammals (reproduction)
What are placentals?
characteristics include pharyngeal pouches, a nerve cord, and a notochord
What is a chordate?
inflates and deflates to control a fish's buoyancy
What is the swim bladder?
overall health reflects the health of their ecosystem
What are bioindicators?
part of the amniotic egg that feeds the embryo
What is the yolk?
mammals that lay eggs; young receives milk by licking moms hair
What are monotremes?
give birds shape and color
What are contour feathers?
hard, thin plates that cover the skin and protect the body of a fish
What are scales?
describes the chambers of a frog's heart
What is a three-chambered heart?
period of inactivity during the hot months
What is estivation?
mammals that have mammary glands but no nipples
What are monotremes?
sea stars have _____ body symmetry