Linking Verbs
Fixing Redundancy
Verb Tense
Subject Verb Agreement

Which linking verb is missing in the following sentence? "The flowers __ bright and colorful in the vase."

  • A) were
  • B) are
  • C) is
  • D) seem

B. Are


What is redundant in the following sentence?
"She repeated the instructions again for the third time."

- Again


Choose the correct verb tense:
"By the time we arrived, the game __."

  • A) has started
  • B) had started
  • C) will have started
  • D) is starting

B) had started


"The team __ playing very well this season."

  • A) is
  • B) are
  • C) has
  • D) were

A) is


"She left her keys __ the table."

  • A) in
  • B) on
  • C) at
  • D) to

B) On


"The cake ______ delicious." PRESENT TENSE

  • A) smelled
  • B) smells
  • C) is smelling
  • D) was smelling

B. Smells


Which part of this sentence can be removed to eliminate redundancy?
"He collaborated together with his partner on the project."

  • A) collaborated
  • B) together
  • C) partner
  • D) on the project
  • B) together

Identify the error in verb tense:
"They will been working here for two years by next month."

  • A) will be
  • B) have been
  • C) will have been
  • D) worked

C) will have been


Identify the error in subject-verb agreement:
"The books on the shelf needs to be organized."

  • A) books
  • B) needs
  • C) shelf
  • D) to be

B) need


"They arrived __ the airport early."

  • A) at
  • B) to
  • C) on
  • D) by

A) at


"The sky __ dark before the storm started."

  • A) is
  • B) became
  • C) was
  • D) feels

C. Was


Identify the redundant word(s) in this sentence:
"They both agreed with each other on the solution."

  • A) both
  • B) agreed
  • C) with each other
  • D) solution

Answer: A) both


Which verb tense correctly completes the sentence?
"By the time he calls, we __ for hours."

  • A) will have waited
  • B) have been waiting
  • C) waited
  • D) had waited

A) will have waited


Correct the subject-verb agreement error:
"Everyone in the class __ their homework on time."

  • A) does
  • B) do
  • C) have
  • D) are doing

A) does


What preposition is missing?
"He is good __ math but struggles __ science."

  • A) with, on
  • B) at, with
  • C) in, on
  • D) at, in

B) at, with


"The soup taste delicious after adding the spices."

  • A) tasting
  • B) tastes
  • C) is tasted
  • D) taste

B. Tastes


"The students wrote down and took notes during the lecture."

  • A) wrote down and
  • B) Students
  • C) took notes
  • D) during

A) Wrote Down


Fix the verb tense error:
"She had went to the store before dinner."

  • A) went
  • B) goes
  • C) has gone
  • D) had gone

D) had gone


Choose the correct verb:
"The pack of wolves __ hunting near the river."

  • A) is
  • B) are
  • C) were
  • D) have been

A) is


Which preposition is incorrect in this sentence?
"The children played outside __ the rain."

  • A) outside
  • B) in
  • C) by
  • D) under

B) in (should be "in the rain" for correctness)


"They HAS BEEN feeling tired and anxious lately."

  • A) has been / is
  • B) have been / are
  • C) have been / is
  • D) has been / are

B) have been / are


Correct the redundancy and preposition error in this sentence:
"She repeated the story again to everyone __ the room."

  • A) repeated / at
  • B) again / in
  • C) to / in
  • D) repeated / in

B) again / in


Fix the verb tense and linking verb errors:
"They has been feeling tired and anxious lately."

  • A) has been / is
  • B) have been / are
  • C) have been / is
  • D) has been / are

B) have been / are


Fix the subject-verb agreement in this sentence:
"Each of the students __ responsible for completing their assignments."

  • A) are
  • B) is
  • C) were
  • D) have been

B) is


Choose the best preposition to complete the sentence:
"He apologized __ his mistake and promised to improve __ the future."

  • A) for, in
  • B) about, in
  • C) for, on
  • D) at, on

A) for, in
