different versions of the Bible
New Testament begins when
at the birth of Jesus
The Magisterium is the Pope and bishops that have the teaching authority of the Church T/F
Bible is divided into
Old Testament - 46
New Testament - 27
Handwritten text
hand written text
Old Testament was written in what language?
the teaching authority given by Christ to the Church, the pope and the bishops united with him.
*they have authority to teach Divine Revleation
Divine Revelation
teaches us about ____ and __
the hidden truths God chose to reveal about himself God and us
God sent His son Jesus to reveal the
literary forms
different types of meaning
Divine Revelation ended when? (when did the Bible stop being written).
St. John the Evangelist died in 100 A.D.
all Christians are members of Christ, so that with him, they form one body. Christ is the head of the body and his Church together make up the whole Christ.
Mystical Body of Christ
The Church
all baptized united together with Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit
*established us to continue Jesus's work
Sacred Scripture
the books of the Old and the New Testament, the Bible includes forty-six books written before the time of Christ
a messenger person, chosen by God to speak to His people
is the handing down from generation to generation all that God has revealed.
God the Son, the second person of the Blessed Trinity assumed human nature and is both true God and true man.
To make known something that was not previously known
People who throughout the ages copied books
the most famous Latin translation of the Bible made by Saint Jerome.
Who translated the Bible from Greek and Hebrew to Latin
J_ _ _ _ _
St. Jerome