The heat is on
You have potential
Experimental design
Always Changing

What kind of heat transfer is occuring when the sun warms the sand?



Photosynthesis is an example of what type of Potential Energy?

What is Chemical Energy


The ____________ variable is the variable that responds to what is being tested. This is what the experimenter is measuring. Also known as the effect or result.

What is the Dependent


 The processes that convert energy from one type to another are known as ______________

What is Energy Transformations


When constructing a line or bar graph, what goes on the "Y" axis?

What is the Dependent Variable


What type of transfer is occuring when warm air is rising and cool air is sinking?



Name at least 3 different types(forms) of potential energy

What is Gravitational potential energy, Elastic potential energy, Chemical energy and Nuclear energy


An IVCDV chart is used to organize your experiment. Name the 3 parts of an IVCDV chart.

What is Independent Variable, Constant, Dependent Variable


What is the energy transformation of a kid sitting on top of a slide and then sliding down the slide?

What is Gravitational to Mechanical(Kinetic)


________________ is a nonrenewable resource that developed from the remains of plants that lived in large swamps millions of years ago.

What is oil


John and his family went camping to explore the outdoors of nature. While camping they decided to build a campfire and tell stories. While telling the story, John became extremely hot due to they waves of the campfire. What type of energy transfer is making John extremely hot?

What is Radiation.


Fill in the blank

Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that energy is never created or destroyed, but it can be ____________.  

What is transformed (Converted)


Problem: Will 8th grade students score better on a quiz than 7th grade students?

Experiment: Record the quiz scores for 7th and 8th grade students on a standardized quiz.

What is the Independent Variable in the Experiment?

What is the 7th and 8th grade students


What is the Energy Transformation of a Wind Turbine (Windmill)

What is Mechanical energy to Electrical energy


________________ is a renewable resource that developed from the remains of plants that lived in large swamps millions of years ago.

What is Biomass


What is the definition of Conduction?

What is the transfer of heat by direct contact


  Two skiers are at the same height at the top of the ski run. Skier A is 500 N and Skier B is 520 N. If each skier has a different mass, which skier has the greatest gravitational potential energy? 

What is Skier B


Problem: Does the color of light affect the growth rate of a plant?

Experiment: Grow multiple plants under different color lights and measure their rate of growth. 

What is the Dependent Variable?

What is the rate of growth(Plant Growth)


Which of the following is an example of convection?

A. Boiling noodles in water

B. When the AC or heater changes the temperature

C. A hair dryer drying your hair

What is A. Boiling noodles in water


Which of the following situations is an example of radiant energy being transformed to chemical energy?

A. Baking Bread in Oven

B.Growing plants on window sill

C. Touching a hot beaker


What is B. Growing plants on window sill


 Ryan was baking cookies, but forgot to put on some oven mitts when he took them out of the oven.  He burned his hand on the hot tray. Which type of heat transfer is being shown?

What is Conduction


Now imagine that you have 2 skiers with equal mass. Skier A is starting at the top of the mountain and Skier B is starting halfway down the mountain. Which skier has the greatest gravitational potential energy?

What is Skier A


Students of different ages were given the same math test. Researchers looked at the number of correct answers on the test. 

What is the Constant in this Scenario?

What is the Math test


Jonathan and his kids decided to take a trip to the beach. While they were at the beach they were extremely hot due to the sun. After sitting for awhile in the sun they decided it was too hot and wanted to leave. As they were leaving, one of kids touch the door handle and burnt his hand due to it being hot.

What type of energy transformation does the sun  and touching the door handle represent?

What is Radiation and Conduction


Which of the following energy transformation systems would be MOST affected by changes in weather? 

A. Geothermal power generation

B. Natural Gas power generation

C. Wind Turbines power generation

D. All of the above

What is C. Wind Turbine power generation
