Who inhabited the British Isles?
Who are the Celts
What king led the Norman conquest over England?
Who is William, duke of Normandy
What was the document called that King John signed?
What is the Magna Carta
Where did the first Indian civilization arose?
What is the Indus River Valley
What is the worlds oldest living civilization?
What is China
Who conquered the Celts and made Britain a province of the Roman Empire?
Who is Julius Caesar
What was the battle fought between Harold Godwin and William, king of Normandy?
What is the battle of hastings
What did the Magna Carta define for people?
What are the ancient rights and privileges of the people.
India is separated from the rest of Asia by what?
What are the Himalayan Mountains
Who invented paper?
Who is T’sai Lun
The Jutes, Angles, and Saxons are collectively called what?
Who are the Anglo-Saxons
William the conqueror brought what type of society into England?
What is Feudalism
What was the rule the Magna Carta established?
What is no taxation without representation
Who ruled India that started the golden age of India?
Who are the Guptas
Where did the first known chinese civilization arose?
What is the Huang He Valley
Who was the first great king of England that help England turn into a nation-state?
Who is Alfred the Great
What is common law?
what are laws common to all Englishmen
What is a constitution?
What are rules for exercise and restraint of governmental power
What was the priest called in the caste system?
Who are the Brahmans
What dynasty is known for the Great Wall of China?
What king ruled England, as well as Denmark, and Norway?
Who is Canute of Dane
What was the English King that had a love for crusades?
Richard the Lion-Hearted
What was the war fought between the French and the English?
What is the Hundred Years War
What does the name Buddha mean?
What is Enlightened One
What is the Island that Christopher Columbus landed on when he discovered the new world?
What is San Salvador