Keep on record a 1 month sample menu
What is 6 beds and under
Minimum age of administrator is ____ years old.
What is 21 years old
a. 30 F
b. 40 F
c. 50 F
d. 65 F
What is B (40 degrees F)
CEU's required every 2 years to maintain your RCFE Certificate, must include 8 hrs dementia, 4 hrs laws and regulations, 1 hr LGBT
40 hours
Post notice of planned activities
Post procedures for complaints
Post copy of resident rights
What is 7 beds +
Minimum age of caregivers/supervisors is ___ years old.
What is 18 years old.
What is freezer temperature maximum ?
a. -10 degrees F
b. 0 degrees F
c. 10 degrees F
d. 100 degrees F
What is b. 0 degrees F
72 hours
Maintain dated weekly employee schedule
Post menus
Prepare menus at least one week in advance and keep on file for 30 days
Maintain administrative offices, public phone and restroom
Make space for laundry; should not affect residents
What is 16 + beds
Facility's heat?
What is 68 degrees
Time between third and first meals (dinner and breakfast).
a. 8 hours
b. 12 hours
c. 15 hours
d. 6 hours
c. 15 hours
Administrator : 15 college or CEUs, 1 year experience
1 person designated to have primary responsibility for activities with 6-months experience
1 person designated to have primary responsibility for food planning, preparation and service
What is 16-49 + beds
What 78-85 degrees F or 30 degrees F
a. immediately
b. 1 hour
c. 24 hours
c. 40 hours
c. 24 hours
Administrator- 2 years college and 3 years experience
Full-time employee responsible for planned activities, 1 year experience
Full-time employee responsible for food service (must have formal training/or experience)
What is 50 + beds
Facility's water temperature ______. Post WARNING SIGN if over ____ degrees.
What is 105-120 degrees
over 125 degrees
Must report theft of loss of $100 or more to local law enforcement agency.
a. 1 hour
b. 12 hours
c. 24 hours
d. 36 hours
d. 36 hours