Behavior/Classroom Management
Methods/3 P's
-Warmer -Presentation -Show them title, and cover page, Prediction (What do you think the story is about?) -Skimming (read first line, middle line, and last line), "Was your prediction correct?" "What is the story about?" -Read the story as a class! -Scanning -Comprehension -Inference -Production 1 -Production 2 -Wrap-Up
What is the order of a reading lesson?
Passive skill (problem solve & draw inferences from what you hear) 3 types: gist (radio show), selective listening (airport), intensive listening (meeting with agent)
What is the skill of listening?
Proactive: Learn students names, show interest in them, get to know school discipline rules and teacher faculty, make lesson plans interesting, relevant and engaging Reactive: Call student's name and give eye contact, walk towards student and stand behind them, give student choice to either participate or step outside classroom, build student confidence (give them a simple question to answer).
What are proactive and reactive ways to deal with classroom distractions?
strengths: Gives new language in a context Helps focus on accuracy weakness: doesn't focus on fluency, only provides one context
What are strengths and weaknesses of DM method?
-Grammar is used indirectly and subtly. Grammar is not used as the main point of the lesson. The 3 P's focus on both accuracy and fluency so it's important that students know that they can get little things like grammar wrong.
What is XploreAsia's view on grammar?
Skimming (Gist): You have the class read 3 lines (usually first line, line somewhere in the middle, and the last line, and then you ask "Was your prediction correct?" and "What is this story about?" Scanning (Selective): First you read the story as a class. Getting the main idea of the text, usually can get straight from the text, questions that have one word answers (pronouns, names, places)
What are skimming and scanning?
-Students talk a lot -High motivation -High participation -Teacher is modeling and monitoring -Language is appropriate
What is a successful speaking activity?
Ignore student, do the unexpected, give praise when acting pleasant
What is strategy for helping student with attention-based behavior?
-strengths: gets students communicating, allows them to experiment with language Weaknesses: low emphasis on grammar
What are strengths and weaknesses of CA method?
beginner: tenses (past, present, future) beginner-intermediate: present perfect, present continuous, adverbs, adjectives, present progressive intermediate: superlatives, infinitives, gerunds
What are grammar points for beginner, beginner-intermediate, and intermediate?
-Skimming: "Was your prediction correct?" "What is this story about?" -Scanning: "Who cut the cheese?" -Comprehension: "Why did Carly cut the cheese?
What are 3 "while" reading tasks in building reading strategies and example questions you might ask?
-Inhibition -Students have nothing to say -Lack of participation -Students want to speak in native tongue
What are challenges of a speaking activity?
Extricate self, direct them towards something constructive, establish equality, be friendly
What is strategy for power-based behaviors?
-Gives structure and standardization to lessons -Allows for substitute teacher to come in and give lesson the way it was intended to be taught -Allows for accuracy and fluency
What are the benefits of the 3 P's?
-Done at the beginning of the semester -To gage what level of english knowledge your students are on -general, simple, varied enough to give a wide understanding of student's proficiency levels Ex: Q________ A: my favorite food is friend rice.
What are is an initial assessment?
Benefits: Broadens student's vocabulary, students can go at their own pace, good model for language production Challenges: Students have a wide variety of skills for reading, hard to concentrate, it's something we normally do alone
What are the benefits and challenges of teaching reading?
Inference/interpretation: rhetorical questions that involve the student to derive an answer that isn't provided with context directly from the text. "What do you think...?"
What are inference and interpretation questions?
Extricate self, don't retaliate, spend time to help them
What is a strategy for revenge-based behavior?
-Teacher is talking directly to the students (there is no back and forth going on) Advantages: modeling, language input, establishes rapport Disadvantages: students are not paying attention, goes over their heads, no class discussions
What is teacher talk time?
-Midterm tests or quizzes that are able to get student feedback as they progress thorough the course -Shows whether or not the students have been meeting learning objectives -Is there a section they are struggling on? Maybe spend more time on that topic -Is there a topic that they are excelling at? Then maybe you don't have to spend so much time on it
What is a formative assessment?
Adolescents: Teaching them real-world reading strategies Beginners: Keep it short and simple, about comprehension and practice, learning vocabulary, sentence structure, and pronunciation
What is the difference between reading for adolescents and reading for beginners?
Young children: They look up to you as a role model- positive encouragement Restless- break things up, keep things simple, stations, vary activities Love to laugh and dance-ok to be silly! Extrinsic: Don't understand the long-term benefits of learning English Teenagers: Peer pressure is a real thing so try not to point them out or single anyone out -Make lessons relatable, and interesting and good to have them relate to local culture Similarities: keeping things interesting, fun, engaging- smooth transitions (because you can lose both age groups easily)
What are the differences and similarities between working with young children and working with teenagers?
Provide encouragement, show that you believe in their ability
What is a strategy for inadequacy based behavior?
Presentation: teacher 75%, students 25%, teacher presents vocabulary using flashcards, body language or sometimes even real objects to get words across Practice: teacher 40%, students 60%, lots of repetition and drilling, dialogue (back and forth), sentence construction, accuracy is important here, vocabulary words used within a context Production: teacher 10%, students 90%, student-centered activities (usually in groups) where they are able to actually practice using new language and words they have acquired, gives tools to use language outside of the classroom
What are the 3 P's?
-Given at the end of the semester -Assesses whether learning objectives have been met -Gives students and parents a full picture of where the learners are in the learning process and what they have achieved -Typically includes a mark or grade
What is a summative assessment?