Assessment Plan/Key Dates
Site Procedures
Administrative Error
ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies
What are the subjects for LEAP and iLEAP testing?
*modification or deletion of or additions to the test administration manual directions *reading aloud a word, phrase, or question on any test without the proper required accommodations *change in test schedule *inappropriate accommodations *improper monitoring
What are things not to do when administering a test? OR Test Administration Violations
Best to leave them home on testing days or collect all of these in envelopes BEFORE you pick tests up. Turn them OFF.
Suggested procedures for cell phones.
*Cueing students during testing or providing assistance in answering questions *Providing study materials prior to testing that included actual test items *Students were not provided accommodations or the appropriate accommodations. *Test administrator read aloud the Reading and Responding session to students with the accommodation Tests Read Aloud. *Students were not provided a Mathematics Reference Sheet or calculator.
What are the things that will cause an Administrative Error?
*Braille *Large Print *Answered Recorded *Assistive Technology *Extended Time *Communication Assistance *Transferred Answers *Individual/Small Group Administration *Tests Read Aloud *Other
What are the student accommodations? (we should refer to the Test Administrator Manual for guidance)
What are the names of the alternative assessments?
*Give examinees access to test questions prior to testing *Examine any test item at any time (except for students during the test or test administrators while providing specified accommodations) *Fail to report any testing irregularities to the DTC who must report such incidents to the LDOE, Division of Assessments and Accountability
Things not to do when administering a test OR Test Administration Violations
These students are to report to an assigned person and a predetermined place so that next steps can be determined for them. (They are not to barge in on testing sessions already started.)
What is the procedure for late students?
What is the cost for a retest due an administrative error? (if approved)
All students, including those with the accommodation Extended Time, must complete the ELA Writing Session on the same day it is administered.
What is guideline for the "extended time" accommodation?
March 18th
What is the date for LEAP Phase 1 testing for 4th and 8th grade?
*All personnel and students are aware of the district’s policies regarding cell phones or other devices with imaging or text-messaging capability. WE ASK THAT STUDENTS LEAVE THEM HOME DURING TESTING, but before any tests are distributed to students, we turn all such devices completely OFF and store them. *Throughout the school, post Testing—NO CELL PHONES signs that prohibit CELL PHONE USE in testing locations. *Throughout the school, post Testing—Do Not Disturb signs that prohibit entry into testing locations.
What are things that we need to do to ensure a proper testing environment?
Am I doing this right? Have you found anything wrong yet?
What are things a test administrator should NOT say to a testing monitor?
If LDOE determines that the retest is allowable, the original test will be voided by LDOE. LEA must provide a description of what occurred, a corrective plan of action, and acknowledgement of fee for retest. A score memo will be produced with student’s scores. Retest scores will not be included in reporting, including accountability.
What happens after an Administrative Error?
Students receiving THIS accommodation must have been provided it in classroom assessment. The students must be tested individually or in a small group. These students should have this accommodation on all other sessions with the exception of the Reading and Responding session of ELA.
What is the guideline for the "Test Read Aloud" Accommodation ?
March 10 - 14th
What are the dates for the 8th grade Explore Test?
+.*giving or receiving help during the test; *copying another student’s answers or allowing another student to copy one’s answers; *looking ahead or returning to previous test sessions; *using notes, books, or other aids, including cell phones and other electronic devices; *causing a disturbance of any kind; *removing test materials or notes from the room; or *discussing the test questions at any time with anyone.
What is the Student Oath that is found in the Student Booklet that we MUST read aloud and they MUST sign off on?
*if someone is sick *if there is a disruption in the room *if there is a student that is causing a disruption in the room *if someone needs to go to the restroom *if you need to contact an administrator *if you need to take a quick break
What are reasons to alert the hall monitor?
Students whose wrong-to-right erasures exceed the state average by more than 4 standard deviations are identified for further investigation.
What is Erasure Analysis?
The tests must be read aloud exactly as written. When reading, the TA must exercise caution to avoid providing signs of cues that convey answers or to read aloud the Reading and Responding session, which results in an invalid score.
What is the guideline for the Test Read Aloud Accommodation for the remainder of the test?
April 7-10th
What are the dates for LEAP Phase 2, LAA2, and iLEAP testing?
I, [School Test Coordinator], affirm the following: *I was provided this District/School TCM to review on________ *I participated in professional development in test security and administration provided for this test administration on ______ *I read and followed all testing procedures in accordance with those outlines in the Spring 2014 TCM, TAM for each testing program, and all other guidelines and instructions provided by my DTC *I provided professional development on test security and administration prior to this test administration to all individuals who have access to, monitor, or administer the test *I kept all secure materials in the locked, secure storage area before and after testing *I followed security regulations for distribution and return of secure test booklets, answer documents, and supplementary secure materials *I provided a list of students approved for accommodations, with the accommodations they are to receive, to the appropriate test administrators *I verified that all testing environments were prepared for testing, including sufficient space between students, removal or covering of all academic content materials, and placement of Testing- Do Not Disturb signs on doors *I did not at any time copy, reproduce, record, store electronically, discuss, or use in a manner inconsistent with test regulations all or part of any secure test booklet, answer documents, or supplementary secure materials *I did not prepare or administer any test items/questions from parallel, previously administered, or current forms of statewide assessments as practice tests or study guides (does not include LDOE released test items). *I verified that testing was not conducted in environments that differ from the usual classroom environments without prior written permission from the LDOE *I reported any testing irregularities to the DTC *I was informed of the new State Board policy in Bulletin 746 regarding denial, suspension, and/or the revocation of a Louisiana Teaching, Administrator, or Ancillary Certification due to cheating.
What is the Oath that the STC signs to ensure proper testing protocol?
*take your whole class to the restroom *take attendance *give last minute pep talk *fill out seating chart *collect all cell phones and electronic devices *Pray
What are things we do BEFORE testing begins each day?
Public school employees are allowed to report irregularities or improprieties in the administration of standardized tests directly to LDOE who then investigate the allegations
What is the right of all employees?
Stop testing that student. Notify the STC who will notify parent of situation. The parent will be called in immediately. If parent's decision is for the student to continue without accommodations, the STC will have student and parent/guardian sign off on a form indicating that decision.
What should we do if a student refuses accommodations during testing?