Before Testing
During Testing
Done Testing

What is the first important step when you start a new passage? 

Ask for a piece of paper to take notes on. Read the passage first and take notes! 


How should you feel right before you take the test? 

A. Worried and scared

B. Sad and upset

C. Prepared and confident 

C. Prepared and confident


What can you do after you get done with each story? 

Take a break-I can stretch, get a drink of water, ask for a peppermint, or ask to go to the bathroom, or go walk in the gym. 


When you are done and ready to submit your test, what do you do? 

A. Just submit it and close your chromebook. 

B. Raise your hand, be sure not to submit it until a teacher is watching you and tells you that you can. 

C. Just close your chromebook and lie to your teacher, telling her you already submitted it. 

B. Raise your hand, be sure not to submit it until a teacher is watching you and tells you that you can.


What is something you should do when you are answering the questions? 

Go back to the text and highlight for proof or read over your notes. 


What are healthy breakfast options that will help your brain and body function at their best?

Nuts, apples, yogurt, blueberries, fruit, peanut butter, eggs, oatmeal, milk, orange juice, grapefruit, high protein foods.


What do I do if I am starting to feel like I'm getting tired and not able to focus? 

Ask for a peppermint, or ask to go walk around in the gym-walk a couple of laps and then go back energized. 


What should you do when you get a red flag that pops up when you are trying to turn it in? 

Go back and answer those questions that you skipped. 

What should you do if you don't know how to take notes or you don't know an answer? 

A. Just give up, cry, and put your head down. 

B. Hurry up, quit reading, and just click any answers so you can just be done with the test. 

C. Just take notes the best that you can and answering the questions the best way that you can-just try your best. 

C. Just take notes the best that you can and answering the questions the best way that you can-just try your best.


What should you do if others finish before you? 

A) quickly guess on the remaining questions
B) stay calm, concentrate, and continue to do your best
C) Be worried
D) cry

B. Stay calm, concentrate, and continue to do your best. 


What should I do if I get frustrated or feel like giving up? 

Take a deep breath, remember to have GRIT and remind myself that I can do this. 


What should you do after you have submitted your test, with your teacher watching you? 

A. Lay your head down or read a library book 

B. AR test on your Chromebook to get your points! 

C. Look around the room and ask to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes. 

A. Lay your head down or read a library book. 


When answering a question that you have to type an answer and it says, "support your answer with text evidence", what does that mean you have to remember how to do?  

RACE-restate, answer, cite text evidence, explain your thinking. 


What should you do to be prepared the morning of the test so that you have energy to think?

Eat a healthy breakfast and get a good night's sleep.


What are some things that I can do to help me find evidence or understand what the question is asking? 

Highlight key words in the question or restate the question, go back to the text and find evidence with a highlighter. 


What should you do at school during class after the STAAR Reading test is over? 

A. Keep trying my best and put in effort in both classes. 

B. nothing, so glad it's over

C. Focus only on math class

A. Keep trying my best and put in effort in both classes. 


When it is asking you to write an essay, what are some steps that you should remember how to do? 

What about if you don't remember what to do? 

1. Write a 'sloppy copy' on a lined piece of paper, skipping lines. 

2. Edit and revise your own writing. Looking for capitals, periods, spelling

3. Type it correctly. 

*if you don't remember-just type an answer doing the best that you can. 


True or False. 

You should be sure to have a fight with your family the morning of the test. 



What are some strategies I can use if I am having a hard time figuring out what a word is or what a word means, or staying on track while reading? 

I can use the line reader to track my reading or the dictionary to help me understand words.


When will I be able to find out what I got on my STAAR test? 

The school will call your parents or send your parents a letter in the mail during the summer. 
