Before a test
Multiple Choice Strategies
Test strategies
Mental/Physical Preparation
Finished Early?

Having an empty stomach before testing is fine. It won't impact me. True or False?

False. Having an empty stomach will impact your performance on the test. Eating breakfast will help you stay concentrated on your test rather than your tummy. 


What can you do if you don't understand the directions?

Get clarification and ask for help.


Do not move on if you haven't answered a question. Spend all the time you need on one single question. True or false?

False. Don't spend too much time on any ONE question. Do your best then move on. Pace yourself.


What should you do if you feel like your mind has gone blank or you just need to refocus?

(Answers may vary) Take a deep breath, you could roll your head in a circle slowly or even have a mental talk with yourself to regroup (positive affirmation), etc.


You can not go back to a question that you flagged?

True or False?

False! Go back and answer the question. You can flag questions you are not sure about and then go back to answer them. 


Should you arrive on time at school or arrive late?

You should arrive on time. Remind your parents that you have a test and need to be at school on time. 


Finding key words in a question is a test taking strategy? True or False.

True. Key Words or phrases can help with choosing the correct answer.


Always answer the hardest questions first. True or False?

False. Answer the easiest questions first then go back to the questions you skipped.


It is important to get enough _______ before taking a test the next day.

Rest/sleep. Go to bed early.


When you are done with your test, you need to go back and check if all questions have been______.

Answered. Please review all your test questions before submitting.


Having your backpack, headphones, and school materials ready the night before testing will be helpful in getting to school on time and having the materials that you need for testing. True or False?

Ture. This saves you time and has you feeling reassured that you are prepared. 


Leave questions blank if you don't know the answer. True or False?

False. Answer every question. Identify the wrong answer choices. Use the text to help you answer the question. If you're not sure, make the most intelligent guess.


How can you improve your chances of getting the right answer on a multiple choice question?

(Answers may vary) Identify the wrong answer choices. Eliminate any answers that do not make sense or go with the question. Look for key words. Us the text to help you answer the question. Read the question and all the answer options. 


Creating negative thoughts/negative affirmations about test taking such as "I am not prepared for this test at all" is okay. True or False?

False! It is important that you think positive! Practice positive thoughts/affirmations such as: "I am fully prepared for this test" or "I am confident I will do my best". (Prevent negative thoughts and practice positive affirmations: I can do it!)


When I am done with my test I can talk. True or False?

False. Wait quietly don't disrupt others.


Getting your clothes ready the night before will help with getting on time to school.

True. Saves you time and less pressure in getting ready to go.


If you know two of three options seem correct in a question then choose "all of the above" as your answer choice. True or False?

True, because if you know that the two choices are correct then it is "all of the above".


what should you do if your math answer does not match the choices listed?

Read the problem again. Copy the numbers correctly on scratch paper. Line up the place value correctly on scratch paper. 


How many hours of sleep should you get before a test the next day?

8 hours.


What activity can I do at my desk quietly when I am done with my test?

Read a book quietly. 
