Test Preparation
Study Skills
Taking the Test
Post Test/Multiple Choice
What should you do the morning before a test?
Eat a healthy breakfast.
How often should you study?
Every single day!
True or False: You should do the easiest problems on a test first so you don't get stuck on a harder problem and use all of your time.
What should you do when you get your test back?
Look it over, make sure there are no grading errors.
What is something you can do to help relieve test anxiety?
Deep/belly breathing exercises
What should you do daily to help retain information?
Look over your notes from class.
When studying for a test, what can you do to help retain the information?
Read your notes/textbook out loud
What should you bring with you to a test?
Two pencils with working erasers, a calculator with good batteries, any other materials your teacher allows.
If the teacher reviews the test in class, what should you do?
Take notes on what the teacher wanted for an answer, pay attention to the ones you got wrong.
True or False: This is an example of a SMART goal: "I want to jump higher."
False! This goal is not measurable, specific or timely: "I want to increase my vertical by two inches within the next two weeks."
How many hours of sleep should you get the night before a test?
8-10 hours
What should your study space look like?
Separate space dedicated to studying - not laying down on your bed, free of distractions like a cell phone, tv, or other family members. A clean desk in your room is ideal :)
What is the first thing you should you do when you receive your test before you begin?
Look over the entire test so you know how to manage your time.
What should you do with a test after you get it back?
Save it and use it later to study for future tests.
What should you do to make sure you get everything completed in your day and still have time for fun?
Create and use a daily time budget.
What materials should you use to help study for a test?
Practice tests, homework, sample problems, notes, the textbook, your classmates...
What can you use to help study vocabulary words and definitions (Bonus points for how to use them)?
Note cards: Write the vocab word on one side and the definition on the other, read the definitions out loud or have someone quiz you.
True or False: It is a bad idea to guess on a test.
False - guessing on a test is better than leaving an answer blank, you have a chance at guessing correctly.
If you do not know the answer to a multiple choice question, what should you do?
Look over your options and eliminate the ones that you know are incorrect, take a guess on the options you have left.
What is a tool to help you plan your weekly schedule?
Assignment notebook, calendar, prioritized "to do" list
When should you start preparing for a test?
On the first day of class - paying attention, taking good notes, completing homework and turning it in on time!
What can you use to help focus and stay on track while studying?
Set a timer and study diligently until it goes off - give yourself a break, reset your timer and get back to studying!
What should you do if you finish a test early?
Double check your answers, re-read your essay answers and make sure your first and last name are on the test.
True or False: If I do not know the answer to a multiple choice question, I should not change my answer because my first guess is usually the right one.
What does the acronym "SMART" stand for in Smart Goals?
S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R-Rewarding T-Timely