Study Skills
During the Test
Test Taking Tips
Test Anxiety
After your first day of class, you can start preparing for exams by reading the SYLLABUS. How will this help?
What is helping you anticipate when you will have exams so you can mark the dates on your calendar and plan to have extra study time available.
How many hours is it recommended that you study per each hour of class?
Expect to study at least 2 hours for each 1 hour of class -- This is an average and will vary from day to day.
True/False: It doesn't matter where you sit when you take an exam.
What is False. Try to sit where you will not be distracted and away from students who are anxious.
True/False: After the easiest questions on the test, prioritize the questions with the most point value.
What is True.
What are 2 things you can do before an exam that will reduce your anxiety?
What are (any 2): * Study and feel confident in the material you expect on the test * Eat healthily * Exercise * Hydrate * Take breaks
Just like a car, you need gas in your tank. What can you do for yourself on the morning of the test?
What is eat breakfast.
Student A crams for 8 hours the night before the test. Student B studies an hour per night for 8 straight days. Which student is studying more effectively.
What is Student B. The brain builds connections over time, so Student A will have a hard time retaining and retrieving the information he studies during one 8-hour session.
True/False: Start with the first question on the test and work your way through the test so you don't skip any questions.
What is False. Start with the easiest questions on the test to build your confidence and use your time efficiently.
True or False: A best guess when unsure of the answer is a smart choice.
What is true.
What is an example of an inconspicuous relaxation technique that you can use during the test to help you relax?
What are: (any one is fine) * Stretch and relax arms/legs * Breathe slowly and deeply * Alternately clasp hands/earlobes * Roll shoulders
What food/beverages might you want to avoid eating or drinking too much of prior to the test?
What are coffee, tea, chocolate. (any one answer is fine) Too much water can also affect your performance. You want to be hydrated but not distracted by needing to relieve yourself.
True/False: While you sleep, your brain produces chemicals that are important to memory and forming new knowledge.
What is True. "One of the most profound effects of a night of sleep is the improvement in our ability to remember things," says Ravi Allada, a sleep researcher at Northwestern University.
If you don't understand a question, what do you do?
What is ask your instructor.
In a multiple choice test, this strategy helps you increase your chance of getting a right answer.
What is eliminating the answers you know are wrong..
What are 2 examples of positive messages that can say to yourself to help you stay calm during a test?
What are: (any 2 examples) * I am OK * I can do this * I am smart * I am prepared etc.
You've taken notes during your reading and lectures throughout the quarter. What should you do with these notes as you prepare for an exam?
What is review the notes and draft an outline
Using multiple modes of studying helps you retain information. What are 2 examples of different ways of studying that can help you learn new material?
What are: (any 2) * Usinig flashcards to review terms and concepts * Teaching or tutoring someone else * Group study * Create outlines from your notes and text * State facts you want to remember out loud
True/False: You can never arrive too early for a test.
What is False. Get to the exam on time, but not too early, especially if you get anxious as you may increase your stress level.
True/False When you've completed your test, review your answers. but avoid changing an answer that you are unsure of because your first answer is usually correct.
What is True. Do not change your answers unless you have MISREAD or MISUNDERSTOOD THE QUESTION. Your first instinct is almost always right.
This causes us to forget the answer to a question on the test only to remember it an hour after a test is over.
What is stress or anxiety. Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline prevent our brains from using our brains for reasoning and retrieving information that we have stored.
What are 2 things you can do to ensure that you will get to the test on time?
What are: (any 2 are fine) * Set your alarm * Organize anything you need for the exam (pencils, extra batteries, scantrons, etc.) * Double check the time and place for the exam * Get ready to leave your house on time: keys, backpack, bus pass are gathered together.
True/False: Taking breaks while you study is an important study strategy.
What is True. You can study more efficiently when you have some "down" time between study sessions.
True/False: Don't waste time reading through directions. Instead, go straight to answering the questions.
What is false. Test directions may change the way that you answer questions correctly. For example, a multiple choice question may require that you mark ALL the correct answers, not just one answer.
True/False: When a test question requires a calculation, ESTIMATING the approximate answer can help you ensure that your calculation is right.
What is True.
Why should you start with the easiest questions on a test.
What are: (any 1) To build your confidence, To ensure that you get points for these correct answers To help you use your time efficiently.