when was the judicial branch created to have dual court system
This jurisdiction is the type that a case can be heard at the state level
State jurisdiction
Who appoints Supreme Court judges
The president
A man robs a bank
the federal court system will deal with him
State jurisdiction
The power for a state judge to hear a case
what was the 1789 act called
Judiciary act of 1789
This jurisdiction handles cases where two states are in opposition, or a government entity is being sued
What is a judges job
To hear a case and interpret the law/Constitution to make a decision on the case
A person sues the school for making their kid stand for the pledge of allegiance
State level
Judicial activism
The idea to interpret laws based on modern values and ideals
What article was the judicial branch listed as in the constitution
article III
If a court case is heard, and the result is unconstitutional, this jurisdiction can be used as a means of appeal
appellate jurisdiction
For life/retirement
A person sues for over 1 mil to another person for defamation after theyre weird relations on set of a movie
concurrent (either or)
Officials who assist district court judges with legal duties
What court case was made using judicial restraint and was later overturned with brown v board of education
Plessy V ferguson
Original jurisdiction
What are two judicial philosophies used by judges
A person shoots and kills a police officer
U.S attorneys
Government lawyers who prosecute federal cases
Traditionally, the framers thought a judicial system was necessary because
It would stop states from all interpreting the law differently.
This jurisdiction can mean that a case can be handled at the state or federal level
Concurrent jurisdiction
If a judge can hear a case, but decides to follow what past cases have done on this case. What is that judge doing
stare decisis
A person sues the federal government for being involved in the covid epidemic information in private companies
POP FLY BONUS BE SPECIFIC what is Mr. Sanoms favorite food
mac n cheese with protein