What are two things you must do in an attempt to retain the customer?
Option to delay + Offer
Cancel Reason - Stockpile tag is used in which situation (s)?
When a customer has a lot of sips on hand still.
Which customer has called the most?
Shambra Petty
Who on the CX team has the youngest child?
Emily - baby Aniken - 4 months
Florida shares a land border with what state that also immediately follows it on an alphabetical list of the U.S. states?
What Slack Channel do you post Retentions in?
When do you tag the Flavor Brand?
When there is an issue with a specific Sip
What is the best way to get a chatty customer off the phone?
Does that take care of everything? I will need to disconnect the call as I have another call coming through. Please email us with any additional questions!
Who won March Employee of the Month?
What University has a Knight as a Mascot, with black and gold school colors?
University Of Central Florida
How many tags at minimum, do you need on a request to cancel ticket that is via Chat/ Phone?
What are the tags?
Sub_Cancel Request
Retained/ Not Retained
Reason for Cancelling
If you retain a customer, add it to slack, but forget to add a tag, what happens?
Your Team Lead will comment on your post with what needs to be done for the future.
Offer a new color or a refund
Emily, Kaitlyn, Sarah - Lee
Which supermarket chain headquartered in Florida was started by the Jenkins family in 1903 and is the biggest employee-owned company in America?
What is your daily retention goal?
If a customer is only asking about how to cancel, however, is not telling you to cancel, which tag (s) would you use?
Cancel Inquiry
If asking to cancel an auto-ship also include Subscription_Cancel
Cancel Order Request= On demand order.
Are you able to add points from one customers account to the same customers second account?
Yes - make sure you deduct the points from one account to add to the next.
If it is different customers that want to merge points - do not do it without checking with a TL
Which of your teammates loves Rotisserie Chicken?
Although the nickname "Mr. Worldwide" suggests a broader popularity, rapper Pitbull also goes by the nickname Mr. ___, where the blank is filled with what Florida area code?
Who had the top retentions last week and how many retentions did that person have?
Kayla with 9
If you see a ticket that is not properly tagged, what should you do?
How can a customer earn a Free 22oz Stainless Steel Bottle.
Which teammate likes Cereal + Cheese?
At 6,640 miles, which U.S state has the largest coastline ahead of Florida and California?