The year Head Start first began
What is 1965
What is Continuous Quality Improvement and Compliance?
The funded enrollment numbers for Early Head Start and Head Start as of February 1, 2024 (Change in Scope.)
What is 170 and 302?
The Office of Head Start (OHS) has expanded its interpretation of public assistance to include families participating in this program.
What is SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formally known as Food Stamps)?
The number of children with disabilities we are mandated to enroll
What is 10% of the funded enrollment?
What is one of the Head Start Service Areas?
Family Services
Early Intervention
What is Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment and Attendance
The age at which a child must have their blood pressure taken and reported to the Program.
What is 3 years old?
If a child's average daily attendance rate falls below this amount, the FSA will schedule a meeting with the parent to establish a Family Support Plan and attendance goals for the child.
What is 85%?
The amount of time given to perform hearing and vision screenings for newly enrolled Head Start children.
What is 45 days?
Age eligibility for Head Start students
What is 3-5 (if they turn 5 after September 1st)
What is Individualized Education Program
What is Individualized Family Service Plan
The licensing agency for Head Start in Maryland
What is MSDE (Maryland State Department of Education)
Once an application has been "Accepted," it is scored using the prioritization system (points). The child with the highest number of points is offered enrollment first. Name this process.
What is selection?
For a family experiencing homelessness, the child can enroll without necessary health documents and attend for this period of time before it is required.
What is 20 days?
This group is responsible for the direction of the Head Start Program and is elected by parents of children currently enrolled.
What is the Policy Council?
What is Behavior Incident Report
This option within our program provides twice monthly socialization opportunities for children and families to promote secure parent-child relationships and high-quality early learning experiences.
The child's first day of attendance or first home visit.
What is enrollment?
True or False
A child who doesn't sit still while stories are being read, or during large or small group activities most likely has a disability
What is false
The child may be a different type of learner than what is being offered in the classroom at the time
The child may not want to engage with the activity
OHS Director
Who is Khari Garvin
What is Head Start Program Performance Standards
This process is initiated as early in the PY as possible and is jointly developed with the family's needs and goals in mind.
What is the Family Partnership Process?
List the four steps in the enrollment process.
What is intake, screening, prioritization and enrollment or waitlist?
Within 90 calendar days of a child's enrollment, the Program must obtain proof that the child is up-to-date with this requirement.
What is oral health care?