A child has a headache
Doctor or nurse
Date of flight
April 30th
Arrival time for chaperone at the Alt
2 am
Label all
Hats & bottles
The mermaid princess
A child is acting out
Support person
Drop off time
3 am
A child needs to use the washroom, you ____
Go with them
100% ____, _____ & _____ free
Alcohol, smoking & drugs
The blue alien
You need more money
Pick up time
1 am (May 1st)
Time to meet at the end of the day
7 pm
Hat "slogan"
No hat = no ride
"Hakuna Matata" means:
No worries!
You are going to meet a character
You contact the parents _____ times before the flight
The one thing you can't forget (as a chaperone)
Don't force a child onto a ride. One chaperone must _______.
Wait by the ride with that child.
You can get pixie dusted here
Sir Mickey's or Bonjour Village gifts
Child goes missing
The one thing they cannot forget
Long form birth certificate
Who is this day for?
The children!
Absolutely no ____
Magic Kingdom is divided into ____ themed "lands"