Name the three states of mind
What is emotional, rational/reasonable, wise mind?
Doing the opposite of what you feel
What is opposite action?
What skill do you use to increase willingness
What is validation, radical acceptance, open hands, and half smile?
You use this skill to ask for what you want
What does CBT stand for?
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
What is the core skill of mindfulness?
What is grounding?
Treating physical illness, balanced eating, avoid mood altering substances, adequate sleep, and exercise make up what skill?
What is the PLEASE skill?
Accepting reality as it is
What is radical acceptance?
Interpersonal Effectiveness is used to improve what skill
What is communication skills?
What is a cognitive distortion?
What are ways that our thoughts are unhelpful, unrealistic, or faulty in some way?
Being mindful is
What is being present in the moment without judgment?
Give an example of self-care
Making time for rest, engaging with hobbies, connecting with supportive people, vacations, etc.
The self soothe skills are
What is touch, taste, smell, sound and sight?
FAST stands for what
What is be Fair, no Apologies, Stick to values, and be Truthful?
Which distortion applies to this example:
I should have known this wouldn't work.
What is should/must statements? (unrealistic expectations)
The three "how" skills are
What are nonjudgmentally, effectively, and one-mindfully?
Sitting with uncomfortable feelings is called
What is the riding the wave?
The letter in ACCEPTS mean...
What is Activities, Contributing, Count blessings, Emotions, Pushing away, Thoughts and Sensations?
GIVE stands for what
What is be Gentle, be Interested, Validate and use and Easy manner?
The three areas that CBT uses to create change (they share a reciprocal relationship)
What are thoughts, feelings, and behaviors?
The three "what" skills are
What are observe, describe and participate?
The 3 functions of emotions
What is motivate our own behavior, communicate to ourselves, and communicate to others?
The IMPROVE the moment skills are
What is Imagery, Meaning, Practice, Relaxation, One thing at a time, Vacation and Encouragement?
DEARMAN stands for
What is Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, (be)Mindful, Appear confident, Negotiate
What is a schema?
What is a core belief that we hold about the world, ourselves, or others?