Who restored the gospel of Jesus Christ ?
Joseph Smith
Where was the first temple built ?
Kirtland, Ohio
What are the 4 books of the church ?
Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, Pearl of Great Price
How many latter-day prophets are there including the recent one ?
Name any 3 things you do in the temple .
Make covenants with the lord, Baptism for the dead, Temple marriage, etc
How many books are there in the Book of Mormon ?
Which prophet died in January 2008 at the age of 97 ?
Gordon B Hinckley
How many temples altogether ?
367 temples
What scripture verse did Joseph Smith read before the first vision ?
Epistle of James ( 1:5 )
What is the long form of the initial "S" in the prophet Thomas S Monson's name ?
Which temple that its Moroni statue fell on march 18th 2020 ?
The Salt Lake Temple
What are the plates used by the prophet to translate the Book of Mormon ?
The Urim and Thummim
Who is the 12th latter-day prophet ?
Spencer W Kimball
What symbolises the "12 cows" surrounding the baptism water in the temple ?
The 12 tribes of Israel and the strength and power of the lord's work
What is the 11th book in the new testament ?