Prefixes/Suffixes/Word Parts
Figurative Language
important Vocabulary
other important info
un, im example- unearth - not covered by earth unveiled- not veiled or hidden impossible
What is a prefix meaning not
When someone compares two or more things using like or as. Saying one thing is like another. Give an example
What is a simile examples vary
Plays are divided first into___________ to show a change of setting (Place/Time)
What is Scenes
verifying means to
What is to check and prove it's true
1.Which author's purposes go along with Non Fiction Text 2.Which author's purposes go along with Fiction?
What is Inform and Express Entertain and Persuade can fall into either category
The word part Struct like in Construction and structured means
What is to build
Authors use figurative language to create an image in your mind or create a mood. example- Ms. Jones felt like an arrow had gone through her heart. The author is using figurative language to emphasize that Ms. Jones feels what? A. disappointed B. Happy C. impatience
What is A. Disappointed
Objects used in a play by actors essential for their parts
What is props
What is the reason a character does something (Why they do it!)
The function of the character
What is their job or why they are even in the story
The prefix Re means what give an example of a word with this prefix
What is to do again answers will vary for example
A type of figurative language that compares two things without using like or as but by saying one thing is another thing. Give an example
What is a metaphor examples will vary
What function does the narrator have in a play?
What is to tell you a change of setting or about what's going on in the play that the actors are not saying.
Conclusion Example- at the conclusion on scene 4
What is the end
When finding main idea you ask yourself which two questions????
What is Who or What Has/Is/Does Also think about what is so special about the Who or What..What does the author want me to know or remember about them
The suffix ous means an example would be envious which means __________ of envy. (wanting something someone else has) Give me an example of your own
What is full of answers will vary for exampe
Mr. Sanders felt like a fish out of water at the party. The author uses the figurative language to show that Mr. Sanders was feeling which emotion? A. nervous B. excited C. like he didn't belong
What is C
Words in brackets or parenthesis that tell the actors how to say their lines, where to be on the stage, what actions they should be doing.
What is stage directions
To conclude means to example- The reader can conclude
What is to figure out
What is a reliable source
What is where you get your information and it can be trusted
The word part "ology" means Give me an example using this
What is the study of examples will vary
June was excited about Christmas approaching. Christmas Eve she lay in her bed wide awake unable to sleep. June was a cheetah waiting for her prey. The author uses figurative language to show that June. A. Anxious B. Impatient C. Disappointed
What is A
Repetition is used in drama to
What is to emphasize or explain something
The word sequentially means
What is in an order or sequence referring to text structure
Poetry Terms The pattern of Rhyming words (words that sound alike) in a poem is called _____________ _____________ One line of poetry has two words that rhyme in it is called____________
What is Rhyme Scheme and Internal Rhyme