true and false
fill in the blank
multiple choice

Closed gloving is used before performing a surgical prep.

false- opening gloving


The residual action of a disinfectant or antiseptic that prevents regrowth of microbes for a limited period of time.

Chemical Barrier 


When the _________ is opened on the back table to start opening your case, it is considered the center of the sterile field.

basic set up pack

(back table cover)


Sterile border of packages/drapes/etc. should ____.

A- have an external indicator

B- have a 1" margin

C- be taped down with paper tape

B- 1" margin


Is this the correct way to remove a mask? Why or why not?

no--- remove mask by ties ONLY.


At the end of your case, you want to remove your gloves first before your gown.



An area of the sterile field designated for the exchange of sharps.

Neutral Zone


The first thing you opening when setting up a case, is the _____. The last thing to open are the ____.

1-back table/basic setup pack

2-instruments/inst. trays


Once the case is opened, the sterile field should be constantly protected. The best way to do this is by _________ .

a-covering the field with a sterile drape

b-posting signs on the doors advising staff that the room is set up

c-having someone physically in the room watching it

d-announcing overhead that the room is open and set up

c- having someone physically in the room watching it


Say you're scrubbed into a Exploratory Lap. You go to load a suture and it feels like the needle pokes your finger. You check, but do not see any visible puncture holes. What should you do?

Change your gloves! When in doubt, throw it out!


Masks should be changed between every case.

true--- you do not need to change head covering, scrubs, or shoe covers unless soiled



Applies to objects that have not been processed by sterilization methods and shown to have been effective by chemical or biologic tests.



____  _____ is the most important tool for preventing infection in the health care setting.

Hand Washing


Which of the following is NOT true with regards to open-gloving?

a-the hands are not  scrubbed before open-gloving

b-the glove wrapper is considered unsterile, within 1 inch of the edges

c-you must align the edge of the glove with the seam of the gown cuff

d-you can use your gloved hand to put on the second glove

c- you must align the edge of the glove with the seam of the gown cuff


You're scrubbed into a case, you ask your circulator to give you your liquids. After reading out loud the solution, dates, and seal, your circulator goes to pour the saline into your basin. Is there anything wrong with this?

-reaching over sterile field

- nonsterile person touching table with waist


Scrubbed personnel should pass one another front to back.

false--- back to back/ front to front


The ethical motivation to report any surgical errors (contamination) of the sterile field.

Surgical Conscience 



Moisture carries bacteria from a non-sterile surface to a sterile surface and is referred to as ______  _____ contamination.

Strike Through 


You are performing a surgical scrub. How many strokes do you count when scrubbing each side of your wrist?

a-10 strokes

b-20 strokes

c-25 strokes

d-30 strokes

a-10 strokes


Say you're open gloving before placing a catheter in a pt. You have your first glove on and are placing your second glove on. In order to pull the cuff of the glove down, grab the inside of the cuff and pull down.

Is this the correct step to do?

*Demo if needed*

No---Rrt hand is sterile (gloved) 

Lt glove cuff is nonsterile as it touches the nonsterile skin 


For safety reasons surgical blades should be opened and passed directly to the surgical technologist or placed in an area on the sterile field where they are clearly visible.



Method used to wash the hands and arms using a detergent antiseptic before donning sterile gown and gloves.

Surgical Scrub


_______ and ______ are both considered physical barriers.

-sterile drapes    -back table cover

-gowns        -gloves   

*For 50pts extra.....what is considered another type of barrier? (Besides chemical!) 


The ______ zones are the areas where the proper attire includes: scrubs, head covering, and shoe coverings.

a: semi-restricted

b: restricted

c: non-restricted


(Example: OR Department or Hallways)


List 5 things to inspect of a supply before presenting it to the sterile field.

(For a steal--> 50pt for each correct)

1-sterility of contents (package say Sterile?)

2-Expiration Date (if applicable)

3-Package integrity(No rips/tears/etc)

4-Product Integrity (Discoloration)

5-External indicator shows it has been sterilized 
