Special Events
Alphabet Soup
Past Lives and Special Talents
You Did What?
With a core value provide a sense of belonging on campus, this department operates the Information Desk and provides students with a 'hang out' space in the Daily Den program.
What is Student Union and Commuter Student Services?
This annual fall event features the best professional and collegiate singing harmonizing to original and popular songs - yet there are no musical instruments on stage.
What is the A Cappella Fesitvella?
WWA is the largest performance space on campus used recently for Concert Board shows with Seth Meyers and Steven Lynch.
What is the Wendy Williamson Auditorium?
This staff member has served in Student Life and Leadership for over 5 years and was the former Station Manager for KRUA 88.1FM.
Who is Zac Clark, Concert Board Coordinator?
This assistant director started at UAA as a receptionist for the Dean of Students office.
Who is Lindsay Lockard, Assistant Director of the Career Services Center.
This department operates 24/7 365 days a year, has an all-female staff, and provides over 500 programs annually for the students in their area.
What is Residence Life?
During the last week of each semester this program feeds soup prepared by the UAA Culinary Arts department to our hungry students and staff.
What is the Student Health Center's Free Soup and Pasta Lunch?
Known to help their fellow student with everything from roommate issues to picking classes, this group of students are called RAs and PMs
What are Resident Advisors and Peer Mentors?
This Residence Life staff member originally from Seattle, studied and practiced Karate for 12 years.
Who is Karla Booth, Alaska Native and Rural Outreach Program Coordinator?
She started her UAA employment as a Resident Advisor, she's been a K12 counselor in Florida, and now her office is next to the Dean of Students.
Who is Dawn Dooley, Associate Dean of Students?
This department houses the state's largest library of resources on job interviews, careers, job hunting, and resume writing.
What is the Career Services Center?
This Career Fair is held every spring and is presented the Career Services Center in partnership with the Anchorage School District and the Chamber of Commerce.
What is the City-Wide Career and Job Fair?
With a student staff of over 20, TNL arrives on campus every Tuesday and won the PACE award for outstanding journalism.
What is The Northern Light?
Both of these members of our DSD family had aspirations to be professional dancers. One just started at UAA in April and the other joined us in 2009.
Who are Dean Dewain Lee and Residence Life Director Lacy Karpilo?
She works in Student Life and Leadership and formerly for the Honors College, but her best summer job was driving a tour bus in Sitka.
Who Jill Taylor, Student Activities Coordinator
This department is entirely managed by a student staff and has over 20 active volunteers. Their FCC license is owned by the Board of Regents.
What is KRUA 88.1 FM
On the first Saturday of each December you can buy Alaskan made crafts and gifts at this fair held in the Student Union.
What is the UAA Crafts Fair?
Used daily in the Student Health Center, the EMR provides important information about a patient's medical conditions.
What is an Electronic Medical Record?
He has held two different positions in DSD and is an avid coin collector...when he's not planning his next trip to Las Vegas!
Who is Michael Votava?
She visited France in the fall semester and just came back from a family cruise over the holidays. You'll find her in the Residence Life department.
Who is Maria Bonifacio, associate director of Residence Life?
In addition to the typical services you'd expect at this department, they provide a free, 3-day box of food including peanut butter and canned tuna to UAA students in need.
What is the Student Health Center?
Pulitzer Prize winners Taylor Branch and Roger Wilkins, poet Nikki Giovanni, and economist Julianne Malveaux have all spoken at this annual January student recognition event.
What is the Student Appreciation Luncheon?
DFSCA requires an institution of higher education to certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees.
What is the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act?
She is one of two administrative assistants for the Student Health Center and she actually does know 101 uses for a Swiss Army knife!
Who Nancy Richmond-Bentley?
She earned worked in health care since she was 21 and had time to earn her pilot's license.
Who Bette Fenn, director of the Student Health Center?