This type of test is used to ensure students are put in the appropriate level of classes.
Placement Tests
Direct or indirect effect on tests from teaching and learning is called this. Not to be confused with a problem with sharing drinks.
A visual exercise in which the students will associate the name to its picture.
Matching pictures with words and phrases.
Not to be confused with an outdoor event with rides and turkey legs; tests that only cover material that has been learned in the past are referred to as this.
This type of test is used when people apply to a certain organization that will ultimately determine whether they get in or not.
Admission Test
The other answer options as a part of a multiple choice question are often known as this.
This question gives answer options (usually in the forms of A, B, C, and D) where the student will have to choose the correct option amongst three other distractors.
Multiple Choice
Much like a fair test, tests that not only cover learned materials, but measure what it's supposed to measure is often referred to as this.
This type of test is used as a "linguistic health check." Testing the student to see their areas of strengths and struggles.
Diagnostic Tests
Any test that requires individual judgement when grading.
Subjective Test
Questions like these consist of a sentence or thought that has a small part missing in between. Students will answer what belongs in that gap.
Fill in the Blank
Tests need to have directions and questions that are both well-explained to the test taker. Tests like these are often referred to as this.
This type of test is used to assess what the students have accomplished in their course up until the test. Two forms are "progress tests" and "final tests."
A form of writing/speaking exercise that involves students writing something, and that writing is read out by the teacher, another student, or someone on a recording.
Much similar to fill in the blank, these types of questions require students to insert one word to complete the sentence.
Statement and Response
Tests that measure through consistent results, while preventing guessing and unclear instructions are also known as this.
This type of test measures one's language ability with no regard to the course they have been following. Usually conducted by an external organization (i.e TOEFL).
Proficiency Tests
A test that is used as a criterion for admission into U.S universities. Tests reading, listening, and grammar, while having no test of extended writing skills.
A passage of text that has a number of words deleted. The student has to fill in the blanks throughout until the passage is completed.
Tests that are objectively graded and avoid too much subjective grading in the process are often referred to as this.
Easy to mark